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"Do you think your drama will work?"

I put down the file with a scowl. If nagging me was the reason why she is here, that will better be off from my sight. I don't want any distraction while arranging those freaking messy plan.

"Lisa" she call. Again, I ignore her. Pulling my glass of whiskey from the table, I took a mouthful of sip that burns down to my throat. A growl was made as I feel it bitter taste on my tongue.

Bittersweet taste, just like how my life turned to be.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!". My hand got pulled and my body got spun around. Glass fell from my hand as it ended with shattering sound.

"The fuck Jisoo!" I snapped. "What do you want?! Can you just shut up and stay away from me?!"

Jisoo laugh hilariously. Finger pointing right to my chest. "Lisa, Lisa Lisa" she sang my name. My eyes squinting as I stare at her wondering what the fuck do she want to say now. "Do you think hurting her like this will make it less hurtful for her when she lose you? You want to go there as a sacrifice? Bullshit"

"So what do you want me to do now, huh?". I kick off the glasses using my heels. Picking up the file, I threw it across Jisoo chest. "Now, I'm done checking this. Go and brief the man about them. We'll receive a text soon from the kidnappers. It's almost the time" I dismissed. Jisoo groaned but she obey after all when I gave her a glare. I don't want to hear anything and I don't want this plan to fail. It's smoothly made even though I still did not know where the enemy asked to meet with for trade.

I stare at Jisoo as she walk. My hand shaking as I let out a wavering breath. My head paining and my body feeling cold. I already checked my temperature and it's fucking 39 degree Celsius. I barely have fever but when I do, I'll be so sick. Just like the old time, the first sign will be nosebleed. At least I already took some fever medicine earlier. I have to stay strong so that I can do this trade. Rosie will be kept here in the house as we got the work done. I can't risk her coming out of the gate or else, god knows how reckless she can be.

"Sorry Rosie" I sigh. I sat myself to the end of the bed. My chest feel heavy as I fist my hand tight. I hate to lie to her. I hate to see the reaction she gave me on her face earlier today. I hate the way she cried on the floor calling for me when I first said all the vulgar words. But to be frank, all the words I said is the truth kept in my heart. So maybe, it wasn't all lie after all. I'm tired of being kept in the dark but I also willing to wait. But if my waiting just meant for the end to lose her, then I don't want to do this anymore. Let it hurt but at least, I will knock some sense into her head. This could mean for me to see how far important I am in her life. If she still stay firm to her decision of being secretive, then.. then I will have to accept the harsh truth as to where I am in her life.


My body jerked. Head snapped as I stare at the door direction. "LISA!!!" Jisoo breathlessly scream. I blink my eyes as she keep pointing her hand towards the door.

Now, why is she back so early when she just came out?

"What?" I ask her. A frown on my face as I saw her keep pointing at the door, trying to catch her breath and swallow to fix her rhythm. "The heck! Breathe properly" I scowl. I don't have time for shit like this. I have to prepare myself. Speaking of which, does this woman even done what I asked her to? She's holding the same file I gave her few minutes ago. The only difference is she have her other hand occupied with something like white paper, pink note and one brown envelope.

"R..Rosèanne" she say breathlessly. My eyes snapped towards the door immediately as I rose on my feet.

"The fuck" I curse as I sprint. Don't tell me Rosie faint again. I heard she hadn't recover from her shock. Exhaustion could be eating her again knowing she's worrying about devil.

Psycho Love {Chaelisa}Where stories live. Discover now