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( Warning: Smutt ⚠️‼️)


If it can be Included in one word it would be; Mine. Rosie is mine. The fact that she shared that pretty lips with other people drives me up the wall. Every hair of my body stood up as I feel my feet bring me up against my own will. I wish to stay calm seeing that challenging look she display on her face but I couldn't. I lose all the bet when I saw her having her lips on the maid's cheeks.

With that, I carry her here. Here in my room; captured and tied up. She was all but naked. Under the bright moonlight, she still dare to radiates her beauty making it's painful to watch such creation of god that has no flaws on the surfaces. She is damn perfection word itself.

"You'll stay like this for the rest of the night" I growl. I intend to make this punishment hard and rough but then I remember about our little devil existing in her womb. If I was focusing only on my anger alone, I might put both of them in danger.

Even though I really want to do it, I can't.

I know how to differentiate between do's and don'ts. I'd rather not to provoke the worst consequences to fell upon us. Anything, I'll just let her see how I vent my anger on everything I can grab here.

Table flipped, chairs broken, couch stabbed deep using knifes.., this didn't even reduce the amount of anger I have. The feeling of watching her sharing her parts of skin that belong to mine can't got out of my fucking mind. Everytime I thought it's gone, it'll be waving to me saying hello like a freaking broken cassette.

This just fuck.

I hear the little whore laugh on the bed. The chain I placed on her wrist to hold her spread naked on the bed ring in the room. It almost make a sound of good music to my hearing if it wasn't for the fact I'm pissed right now. "Daa-ling, are you still mad at me?" The devil speak from her lips. She made me turn her way to look at the very not innoncent face she has on. Her eyes looking so seducing from the way she stare down at my pants where my cock lean on. She know better to fuck me with her eyes when I'm suppose to control myself.

I will not fell into her trap again. No matter how tempting she is, I have all the reasons as to why I can't do it. If I ever fuck her now, I'll fuck her hard till she can't walk the next day. Freaking God knows how much I want to touch that body of her. I want to devour every each of her release in my mouth, making her eat all of ours with me, sharing mouth to mouth as I fuck her again, again and again from down there. She will beg to me to stop due to her dryness of wall she won't be able to take it anymore in and out pushing deep up to her cervix.

She damn challenged me downstairs. She fucking damn challenged me. I don't like to share her with anyone else. She know it. She fucking know every of it. How will she ever fucking understand it then.

My feet brought me to the bed. Her gaze follow my body, looking all but nothing casual. Her eyes looking so sensually against my body as if she know what she want to do with it. "You're chained" I remind her. She won't be able to do anything she thought of doing. She was put in control a lot and now it's my turn to take her place. Too much control cause her to lose her memory of me being the rightful wife to own and claim everything she has. Nothing was hers anymore. They are all mine.

"Really" she speak. She shook her hand on the chain causing the sound to ring in the room again. "Oh yeah, it is"

"Do you know why you are spread damn naked in my bed now?" I asked flatly.

I moved closer to the bed. My right hand reaching for the drawer on the night stand. I kept something in here long ago. Something that I keep just because I know I will get married. It's something I keep so that I could take whoever the bride to be as my little whore all to myself.

Psycho Love {Chaelisa}Where stories live. Discover now