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Somewhere in the city...

(Evil laugh sound on the background)

"What do you think?" The woman speak to her own self in the mirror.  "I think I am good, doesn't it?". Her body tickles with sweats from the workout she done in the bathroom. People may find workingout in a bathroom is impossible but this woman is not just a 'people'.

She is different. She know she is.

She turn around her naked body. Mirror foggy and she wipe it off with her palm. The way she be setting it clear for her clearer view on her look says it all about madness. "Hey" she say hi to her own reflection. "I'll see you, Someday" she mumble. There is smile on her lips that no one will understand the reason behind it.


There is knock on the door. She spare a glance for a second and then left it all ignored.


Her eyebrows shoot up now.

"Speak" she command the person on the other side of the door. She did not like to be interrupted in times of her leisure time like this. The person who stay here with her know this too.

So that mean something is definitely important that the person on the other side of the door dare to offend her this much.

The person on the other side of the door clear her throat. "Uh.. cars was seen going into Mistress forest. Should we catch them? There is few car, probably around 3 for now" she speak.

The woman now glance to the door. She become alerted but calm. "Estimation of number?" She ask. Her question signifying to the amount of people in that 3 car.

"I was told around 10 for 3"

10 for 3.

She take a deep breath and exhale. A breath of exhaustion and boringness escape her lips. She just want to have a good vacation. Can't she have one?

But 10 kill wouldn't hurt, doesn't it?

"Bring them alive to me" she gave her order. She fix her wet hair and wink to her own reflection. She find herself perfect..–

Almost perfect if she has none of this scar.

She trace her finger on the scar she got on her left collarbone. "I was told it was president of Korea birthday today, doesn't it?" She asked.

The woman nod her head on the other side. It was a normal reflex. She know the Mistress can't see her but she still did it unconsciously. "Yes, Mistress" she confirmed.

As the confirmation was given, the Mistress lips curl into a wide smile. She has an idea in her mind about how to not let the car go to waste. She could make a good use of it instead of dumping it into the depth of the ocean. As for the members of the car, she will execute them and feed their body to the shark in the sea.

Simple. Sound good, doesn't it?

She is not even sorry to kill them with the reason they invade a person property of land. This is her land. She is the boss here. Who are they to drive into her forest?

Treason is the punishment for trespassing.

That's her rules.

She take the bathrobe she prepared earlier in the drawer. She slowly unfold the soft mattress and wear it on her wet body. Her breast is visible. The hallway of it, to be specific but she care not to cover it up. She is not showing her nipple. "Take the 3 car and make an explosion when the president give his speech. Consider that as his present from me" she say.

"Yes, Mistress" the person obey.

She tie the rob on her waist and turn around. She decided to be left alone. She say "Dismiss" to the woman on the other side of the door.

Her feet began to take it's normal pace. Her feet is not recover fully yet but she forced herself to look okay. She still having trouble to walk but that doesn't really affect her. She is strong. She know it is painful for her to take every step but she can't be a baby to just lay on the bed like an almost dead woman. She has her own standards.

She don't want to be a weak woman. She prefer to be 'bulletproof' kind of woman.

Nothing can weakened her. She don't want to have any weakness or show anything implying Weakness.

"Great" she mumble. She glance down at her feet that is now bleeding. Probably because she workout in the bathroom earlier and now she is walking back to her bed. The blood must be left unnoticed because the shower was spraying on her while she exercised.

Although she can't really exercise.

She just take 5 minutes of exercise which is almost impossible for her to complete.

She place her hand onto the handle and slide it open. Her feet stepping out and the blood stains followed as soon as the foot was on the dry floor. Her left foot was badly injured that it need to be sew. The cut is too big and deep. She almost blacked out due to the blood loss that day but she manage to survive. She have to survive even if she go into death to wake up again to this world.

Her business is not settled here.

Plus, she is the one who sew few of her own wound. Her freaking hand can do medical job. She know so much more about medical stuff when it comes to survival modes.

The pain she feel all over her body is a new type of neverending pleasure. To her, Pain Is Pleasure.

She sat her own self on the bed. Her eyes looking at the window where she can see lots of tall tress lining up in messy sequence in front of her. It amaze her how those trees able to live among the parasites plant that wrap them with their leaves and thorns.

"How ironic" she mocked.


18 April update.

Remember to;

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