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I searched for Rosie in our bedroom earlier but she is nowhere to be found. I checked the bathroom, walk in closet and even under the bed looking for her but none of this place has her figure in it. Panic searing inside of me as I reached for my phone and called for her. But then again, her phone just rang on the nightstand in which I just come to realize when it buzz under my ring.

And now I'm walking out on the hallway. My feet moving frantically towards the barrier to watch downstairs if I can spot the familiar blonde figure that I wanted.

But no. None of the part of the house has her on it.

Where is she?


Huh? I look at the next door where I'm sure the weird sound came from. It sounded like cartoon character voice. Does devil still not asleep? It's late now.

Curious, I took my step towards the bit parting door. The lights were off but there is bit shine of light changing colour shining dimly in the room. It must came from the television. "Devil?" I call as I part the door gently with my hand. I step in and look straight to the bed. I found out both of my favorite human sleeping soundly.

A smile tugged on the sides of my lips as I sigh to such sight. Rosie sleep on her back while the devil sleeping on her chest. Her hand wrapped securely on devil back, chin resting just perfectly on the tiny human head. They look so gorgeously adorable together. "Now, look at this two clumsy girl" I chuckle. They must be cold. I can see devil curling up on Rosie searching for warmth.

Pang of guilt rose in me as my feet moving towards them. Each steps I took only squeeze my heart tight.

I hurt her.

I neglected devil too.

"I'm sorry" I apologize. I know both of them can't hear me but I still want to say it out. My hand reaching for the duvet then gently lifting it up so that it's covering them both. I tuck myself in just on the big space beside Rosie. My heart taking in the sight of her face as I prop my hand and rest my chin on my palm.

I took the messy strains of her hair on her face then brought it to where it suppose to. "I love you Rosie. I didn't mean to hurt you. I don't have an affair. Hell, how will I able watching another woman when you are so damn a goddess waiting for me at home?" I murmur quietly. I know she can't hear me and that's okay. All that matters is that, I love her and I know she love me too. I will never let her go. Never. "I'd rather kill myself than losing you. So please, never say that again to me. Never tell me to walk away, never push me away. I have solid reason why I did all this. I just want the best for you and devil"

I lean in, taking her parting lips with mine. Sparks of fireworks hit me when the gentle flesh crash onto mine. I kissed her countless of time and yet I still feel giddy as young teenager everytime.

"Mm" a soft moan ring on my ears in an instant. My eyes buldge open as I look up at her eyes. My lips still on hers.

Huh? She is still asleep. Am I hallucinating??

Am I really in sick love or what?

I pull away slowly. "Lisa.."

This time I'm certain I saw her lips moving murmuring my name. "Rosie?" I call for her. Her voice came out so quiet, so arousing, so gentle, so soothing, so damn fucking hot. Does she even know that? Do she even realize how she sounded like right now??

Hell my wife even stay hot in her sleep. It's a crime for God to create such a woman with perfection. I swear my heart will burst out of my damn chest right now.

I watched her. I watched her sleeping face, waiting for her to wake up. Could she be talking in her sleep? I don't know.

But then, her hand fell from devil back, down on mine. She entangle our hand. "Don't go" she speak. She caught me gasping when she squeeze my hand firmly. "I heard you" she added.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips. I lean in again kissing her lips. Short but gentle. I want her to know I'm not leaving and this kiss will seal the promise. "I won't. I oath to stay to annoy you till you grow gray and old. So, bear me, my heart" I inch myself close then peck her lips again.

A whimper escaping her lips when I pull away. She clearly protesting my doing. "You need to stop kissing me before I make you fuck me in our devil room. You know devil is a curious kid with mischievous mind. She'll learn about sex too soon because of us" she mumble. She has me chuckling. I look up at her eyes again and she still remain the same with her eyes close. It's just her lips speaking.

"I have something to tell you but that can wait till next morning. You must be tired. Also, the medicine must had kicked in"

"Mhmm" she hummed. I almost can hear the sleepiness in that tone. "Night Lisa. I love you idiot" she wished me. I roll my eyes at the last reference she gave me. She love to say I'm an idiot after saying the three wonderful word. It has become her habit and I found it romantic. We weren't just lovers but best fwen to each others. Lovers will be romantic, cherishing you in romantic way but best fwen will annoy you, call you with weird names for no reason or sometimes even say something ridiculous with no filter.

Yeah. She and me, we are both lovers and best fwen. The "fwen" term came after Devil made us laugh when she tried to pronounce it. Since then, it has always been best fwen, not best friend.

I sigh and spoon both of them in my arms. This feels nice. This feel so good. Maybe I should try to get things in control in more appropriate way in which will not neglect my family. I will spend more time with them starting from now on. I promise.

Or maybe..

Maybe I can at least..bring them somewhere tommorow for starter. I could ask our man to be on their position when we go out. Tight security can help. Is it?

I have to stop this madness. I should not overthink but again, I worry about both of my girl...

"No" I whisper under my breath. I should be a bit positive. If I put tight security, it'll be okay. Plus, I will stay by their side the whole time tommorow. I heard the groceries stocks in the kitchen has gone very little. Maybe I can ask them out for family grocery shopping? Devil must be so curious about shopping and Rosie will certainly liking it since she can buy lots of food.

Sounds like a good idea.


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