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The days went like usual. I'm approaching bit to bit towards my due date. The plan for family holiday also got canceled due to the delay of flying back of Lisa's parents. They will only be back next week. I would had have my baby by that time. I only have 3 more days before labor. I feel a bit scared to be honest. If this child doesn't want to come out within this last three days, they will force my child to come out. I heard, it'll be painful.

But painful or not, I'll do everything just for my child.

My hand placed on my swelling tummy. The devil move so much today that this kid leave me feel a bit disturbed to the way he or she moving vigorously insides. It feels as if it's turning in there and kick me along the way. I didn't know what's the gender yet since I want it to be a surprise until birth. Lisa agreed to my choice and she said it's going to be more fun and thrilling to wait until the day of my labor to see our baby gender.

Girl or boy, I will love this child the same. This is my first baby. I never thought I'll be a mom. I counted the days and now I'm approaching my due date. How will my child look like when he or she came out of me? I can't wait to see my own bloodline, the shares between me and Lisa's. I can't wait to have the production of our love in my arms, growing up and stay by my sides. I can't wait to see this kid learning to crawl, to walk, to talk, to learn. I always fantasize sending this little devil to school, hold the baby hand while he or she learning to walk. I can't wait to hear this baby calling me mommy.

God, I can't wait. Can I just give birth now?

"Please be a good devil and come out quick, okay?" I murmur to my belly that I caress with my hand now. The devil moving in there, kicking my tummy causing me to scrunch my face in sudden sharps of pain. It keeps happening today, like a lot since few hours ago. Lisa wasn't home but she keep Joy staying close to me who's just by the couch across to me playing with her phone. I gave her the permission to use her phone so that she won't hawk on me like a beast looking at it's victim. I swear she won't even blink when watching me. She's so dedicated to protect me that it annoy me sometimes.

And whenever I tell her not to watch me like hawk, she will pull the red card using my mom name. She know I can't even help with her dedication being put the responsibility to protect me.

"Mistress Park, had you seen madam Jennie's baby last picture?" Joy suddenly speak out. My eyes advert away almost quickly so that she won't caught me staring. It's wasn't a problem if she caught me but I don't want her to see the annoyed face I have right now or she'll nag me again about being grumpy.

"You mean the picture where she hold the feet of her 2 days old baby upside down?" I ask. Jennie send me the picture this early morning having me laughing the first thing when I click her chat. Little Haein was hold upside down and the baby doesn't even cry. Jennie was so excited to tell me how strong hearted her little boy was. She practically playing few extreme position to see if the kid mental level is high enough to be said as hers. She was so afraid the doctor could misplace her child and give her somebody else's. She is right but I don't think the case could easily happen. When they kid are out, Jennie will be shown her baby face and get to hold her baby the first thing after the birth.

Maybe Jennie is a bit paranoid. I can't blame her. I'll do the same if it was me.

"Yes" Joy confirmed. She flashes the same photo to me from distance that I nod to it. Yes, that is the picture Jennie send me. It's same. She must had send Joy too. She trust Joy just like me. Joy is like the part of our family. "I can't wait to see yours Mistress Park. Your mom must be elated if she's still around. It's her dream to see her children living such happy life". Joy lower her head for respect then went back again to her phone. She scroll something in her gadgets while my mind start to drift apart.

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