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Fuck is all the definition to my life right now. What the fuck just happened? What the fuck is happening right now? Why the fuck is it happening? How the fuck is that happening?

Fuck fuck fuck amd fuck!

I hold her hands tighter. Her skin feel so cold. Fuck knows how badly her face turns its color. She looked ghost pale laying right before my freaking eyes. I swore to never let anything happen to her but look at me again sitting so helplessly useless while she is there laying unconscious for what the hell reason it is. Why is the fate so unfair to us? Why? WHY!

I just met her again yesterday. She came back to me yesterday, Yet today, she is already laying on this bed looking so sick. Am I cursed or something? Why is she always hurt when she stay around me?

Again, why did I even lash at her downstairs earlier. I shouldn't had done that. What had I done? I'm stupid. I am an idiot. I am so fucking useless! I should had stay calm and approach her in more softer way. I should had known better not to use high tone while speaking to her. She always dislike it when people talk with such attitude towards her. She is mighty, she is respectable kind of person. She could never tolerate anyone who she called insolent. I had seen countless of people from lowest to highest ranking having bullet buried deep inside their head skull when she call them Insolent.

Yet, I am still here. I am the only survivor of her Insolent punishment. I don't deserve this but I can't bear it too. I can't possibly obey her words to stay away from her. It made me feel stuck. I don't want to be away. I want to be near her. The more she push me away, the scarier I feel. I wish she know how I feel like when she told me to stay away from her earlier. I feel the world collapsing. The feeling of something stuck in my throat and my feet turn wobbly. I feel like losing my breath. I feel like my heart skipped a beat.

When she wake up later, I'll let her hit me with the chair she intend to hit me at the dining room earlier.

I sigh and look at Irene. "What's happening Irene? Why is she not waking up?" I ask her. I can't help but to sound so helplessly begging towards Irene. She has been checking Rosie for 15 minutes now.

"I already took her blood. The wound on her left hand was fine. The cut didn't get that deep and I already pull out all the glass pieces. Make sure you change the dressing once per day. Now I'm finish with the details of her symptoms. I'll head to the hospital and have the reports send to you as soon as this afternoon" she say. She stuff in the tube into her suitcase along with her files. "Which do you prefer? Hard or soft copy?"

"Hard would be fine. Give Joy to have it send to me" I told her. I then tear my eyes off looking at Rosie again. "She'll be fine, right?" I ask. I need to at least hear one reassurance that Rosie will be fine. If Irene leaving to have the test done, that mean Rosie and I will be left here to wait. What if anything happen while Irene is away? What if Rosie didn't wake up? What if she stay in this state for the rest of the day? Fuck! I'm losing my mind right now.

Irene zip close her suitcase and have it hold firm in her hand. She stood straight, looking all ready to leave. "Don't worry. She'll wake up soon. There is irregular heartbeat when I checked but her BP still in the range of normal. She'll be fine Lisa" she place her hand on my shoulder and squeeze gently. "She maybe is too tired like the last time. You know, exhaustion or something related. Or maybe food problem. Or maybe nutrition lacking. You do remember she had been kidnapped for almost two weeks, right?"

I stay silent for the last question. I hadn't ask Rosie anything regarding her dissapearance. I didn't even ask her about the hologram either because Jisoo said she found hologram piece on the crime scene. And I've been noticing a weird detail as to how Rosie came back having not a single scratch on her body. Usually, the victim should be hurt at least a little, right? Especially when the kidnapper is one of your biggest enemy. They couldn't be pampering her like princess doing absolutely nothing.

Psycho Love {Chaelisa}Where stories live. Discover now