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Morning bird chirp. The sun ray hit my eyes, giving me the sense of early morning time. I yawn as I open my eyes slowly.

Nice cold breeze in the morning. I hate morning time. The only thing I love about morning is the cold breeze it provides me with.

"Good morning my Rosie" the brat in her tousled black hair chirp underneath–

Underneath? UNDERNEATH?!! Whaa..–

"YAH LALISA!!" I pull my legs and sat up quickly. My head immediately feel heavy as I got up too quick than I usually be.


Who the hell lay herself down on somebody tummy?! Her face is on my damn pelvis. No wonder I feel a bit uneasy on my lower part.

"Rosie" she smile stupidly. She crawl up holding both of my legs and kiss me on my nose. "Morning morning my love" she bat her eyelashes.

I stare at her, blinking my eyes. Is she sick? Why is she behaving like this? This is not Lisa. Lisa doesn't act like a mad person in the morning, afternoon, night or whatever midnight or early or late it is. Is this a dream? But I feel my nerve pulsing on my temple. So that means this is real.

Does she got possessed then? Should I pray? I don't even know how to pray.

"What do you want to eat for breakfast?" She continue to talk with that smile on her face. This is the kind of smile that I saw her doing before when I kiss her cheeks or do anything that makes her happy. But I done nothing this morning. I just woke up an say hi to this early morning world and this just came out of nowhere....

Is me opening my eyes a surprise today? Did I do it differently?

"Baby wosiè" she use aegyo voice. I feel her hand sneaking up and the next thing is her hand pinching my cheeks.

What the–

"Yah Lalisa" I shrug her off from me. I Scoot away to her sleeping side on the bed. I manage to get her body off from me. What a relief.

Cute Lisa is dangerously terrifying. My heart is beating so fast. I don't think I want to have a minor heart attack in this early morning. God of hell know I hadn't even brush my teeth or take my shower. At least if I die, I want to die beautiful.

"God" I breathe in and out like I just ran a miles. I feel so short on breath and my chest is hurting because my heart is leaping.

"Why are you putting your hand on your chest?" I heard the brat asking. She move towards me but I put a hands out signifying her to stop doing whatever the hell she plan to do.

"Stop!" . Lisa stay where she is.


"Y..you" I say but finding myself stuttering. Now, what's wrong with me?

"Yes me?" She questioned with that cute frown on her forehead. Why is everything about her so damn cute this morning?

Am I drunk?

"Y..YOu want to cook, right?" I shout instantly with a freaking stupid awkward laugh. Where goes my sinful laugh at this moment? "Go and cook pancakes!" I chase her out. I point towards the door and pretend like I am serious.

Serious my ass, I want to fucking run away and hide myself in the bathroom. I am so embarassing this Morning.

"Okay" Lisa crawl herself off from the bed. She fix her boxer that is so.......umm, yeah right. Things can happen sometime where it will slightly rolling up. Luckily it doesn't reach her balls.

"Love what you see?" She mumble.

My head shot up and saw her having the mischievous grin on her face. "Very much but go and cook" I roll my eyes.

"Yes" she laugh. "No sex for a week Chipmunk. We must take proper care of you" she say.

A week?

"A week?" I find myself questioning her statement.

She nod her head. "Yes a week. Irene told us that"

"Us?" I arch my eyebrows. I didn't know about anything. Why is it us?

She roll her eyes up like she is thinking. "Me and Jennie" she says which make me say a little O sound.

Sex fasting. 1 week fasting.

I shrug my shoulder casually. I am not the one eager for pleasure. "Okay" I say to her.

"Good". Lisa lean in and kiss me on my forehead. "Be a good wife and take your shower" she says and kiss me again but this time on my lips.

"Wait" I told her when she pull away from the kiss. I wrap my hands on her neck and kiss her again. I miss this lips. I know I kiss her everyday but it is so addicting. I had never been so addicted until I met this lips.

I pull away from the kiss. "Now, you're free to go" I mumble. I pat her chest and smile. "Cook a perfect pancake for me. Maybe you'll get yourself a reward for being good" I winked.

Lisa push my front towards her and cause our body pressing on each other. "oh?" She has that challenging look on her face. "I am looking forward to this reward" she smirk.

I smirk to her back. "Now go".

Lisa lowly groan to resist. I know she don't want to let go, neither me. But we have to part for now. Just for few minutes.

She let go of my arms and kiss me again on my forehead. The gesture make me giggle. "Silly" I told her.

"Only to you my queen" she touch the tip of my nose. She then rose to her feet and head for the door. "Come quick. Pancake is waiting" she say. I gave her an annoying srunching face when she glance my way before exiting the room.

Well.., that's scratchy.


Remember to;

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