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Is this what she said as "we have something to take care of" ?


This is it?

Just this?

So fucking THIS?

Lord have no mercy. I thought it is serious. I should had known what she meant. My Rosie always be so unpredictable. This shouldn't surprise me. Why am I feeling so surprised? It's been 3 years I've been through this kind of unexpected outcomes.

Am I hoping for something else?

Yes, maybe I expected too much after what had happened. Or maybe I am still so fucking pissed for what she kept hidden from me. I want to fucking crash things over right now. I know I can't hurt her, neither I have the will to shout at her. If I do that, her mood will be ruined. I'll be telling people to ready a body bag for me if that happens.

Can a dead person order a body bag?

"Strawberry, yumm" she lick her ice cream. Currently, strawberry flavor is her obsession.

I can only shook my head to such childishness. I still remember the first few months after our marriage, I suspected Rosie for having Personality Disorder. Her attitude and behavior constantly changing more than I can understand in just one day. It is so confusing. One time she is a sweet innoncent looking girl who just have desire over food, pranks and cartoons. Another time she is a well organized person who does her office work until late nights. By that time, she is a very leader-like person who carry herself so professionally.

The other personality can be said as Psycho. She will play with knife. She throws knife at me for joke so many times than I can count. Few hit my arms untiI I got slices on my skin. Few was directly given with intention of her being a little crazy in her sweet seducing mode. If I have to say more, she did and still do hurt herself with knife or harmful things sometimes. Everything just so confusing and it still confuse me now but nevertheless, I am used to her attitude changing from one time to another.

I think, I fell for her this type of speciality first. She is truly a very interesting mysterious girl. She pique my curiosity. She made me crazy. She look so hot and sexy for being savage. She look so Lovable and kissable when she is being sweet innoncent woman. I just fucking love her for who she is no matter in what kind of personality she put herself in.

After all, that's what love is, doesn't it? We fell for the person heart, not the face. We fell for the person soul, not their appearance.

For this, I fell for her heart and soul. Her beautiful appearance and ethereal face is just an extra bonus. Even if the Rosèanne Park I marry with long ago is an ugly short girl, I will surely still going to fell for her. Because the first thing that made my heart beat faster is when I look into her eyes and our hand grazing on each other. The electricity is there spiking me all over my body. Back then, I didn't even really got to see her face. I didn't even scanned her face that closely or thoroughly. After the wedding night only then I noticed she look so damn beautiful. And that realization came only the next morning.


Crazy how when we sincerely love someone, it comes just naturally like that. That's why in this world, even blind people can love. True pure love still exist if human use their heart and emotions to love something or someone. Sadly in this era of modernization, most people fell for someone beauty. They isolate the flaws of those majority people who is not gifted with good looks. Most people didn't even want to admit it but they did it. They fell for money, wealth, perfections, possessions and beauty of a person.

Psycho Love {Chaelisa}Where stories live. Discover now