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Unknown Phone....

Unknown 1:

The crime scene is conquered by some foreign-looking team!

They just arrived and taking their position!!

Unknown 2:

Anything that you could tell me to spot from which they came from?

Unknown 1:

Let me see.

Unknown 2:

Check anything. Their uniform if it was necessary. Any logo or their weapon style. Any flag or something? There must be something that could tell us what are they.

Unknown 1:

Their logo!!

It's Rose Flower on the car. Graved very big, blood red with wings on each sides. Thorns with blood. Isn't that..

The Mighty Rose Group from the Underworld that people always feared of..

This is a big problem Mistress!

Unknown 2:


Keep an eyes close to their movement.

Why the fuckkk, I mean, keep an eyes close.

Report to me immediately if anything suspicious.

Also, keep a very very eyes close and tell me the detail of their doing. Every and each. I want detail, DETAIL.

Unknown 1:

Yes, Mistress.

Unknown 2:

I'll have to be alone for a while. Don't call me or text me if there's nothing important. Alert everyone about this. I, I need time alone.

But if anything important, report immediately.

Unknown 1:

Understood Mistress.

Unknown 2:

Don't make any mistake.

If you didn't give me the proper report, I'll have your heads off.

Unknown 1:

Yes, Mistress. I'll do my outmost best carrying your order.

End of text...


Remember to;

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