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"oh come on" I tap on the phone so many time over the same peach emoji. I use the peach emoji as an ass. Since Skype didn't give the user like us real ass emoji, peach is the most nearest one that look like it.
(Peach: 🍑)

New coming message from Jennie appear. She said something about competing making baby. Who's rushing over making baby? I hadn't even started yet. I don't even know if I am ready with the plan. I do want to have kids. I want to have child of my own but will the situation now grant the permission to that kind of lifestyle? I don't want to compromise the life of my child just because mine is in danger. Also, I can't even behave like normal girls who didn't do fights and violence. Violence is a part of my life. I don't want to sit down and eating healthy foods all day for 9 months until labor just like the show on the television. It's a disaster.

Even if I got pregnant, I will become a savage preggy woman. I don't want to sit like the princess waiting for the labor day to come. It's boring.

Speaking of baby......

I look up from my phone to see Lisa pulling up a gloomy face while doing whatever the hell work on her MacBook. Hell, who she want to fool here? I know the MacBook doesn't even On. It is off.

What's wrong with her?

"Daa-ling?" I call up for her. The call is slow and inviting.


No reaction? Oh well..

I clear my throats. What wrong with this woman all of sudden? She is fine when we go for ice cream earlier today. Till afternoon, she is very okay. But in night time after dinner, she look all gloomy and bad mood.

Moody girl.

I roll my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes on me" she said.

Well, finally. "Oh, I thought the wall doesn't know how to speak" I sarcastically attack her. Her eyes looking up at me slowly and dangerously threatening that she will surely do something about it.

But well, who's scared? Boo!

"Enough Rosie" she says in between sigh. She make me frown when she close her MacBook and rosing on her feet. She want to leave me alone here.

"Where are you going?". I saw her collecting the files and pen confusedly. She also call me with Rosie name. She barely use that name on me. She do use it but it was very extremely rare. The way she pronounce it mean she is upset.

She disregard my words as if I hadn't said anything. What the fuck Lalisa??

She turn and walk away.

"Whaa.." I laugh. Did she just...just turn her back on me and leave just like that? Did she? Did she just dare to left my words ignored like I didn't even exist here? What the fucking fuck?!

"Yah Lalisa!!" I shouted her name. Loud and clear, I know she can hear me. She is not that far yet.

Don't let me catch you or you'll be dead!!

I dump my phone and rose from my seat. If she think she can just run away and ignore me like this, she is wrong. Rosèanne Park doesn't like to be left ignored. She know it better. She stay with me almost 24 hour every single day. She didn't make a big fuss about big things like me slapping her, punching her, slicing her, pulling her hair and all's... except for her bangs. But I didn't tease her bangs lately and I didn't do it today. So, why the fuck did she got upset this way?

If she is venting her anger on me due to the other problem she has out there, I am NOT her punching bag.

I finally exited the kitchen. My eyes looking everywhere around the spacious living room that is decorated in dark Scandinavian theme. "There you are" I says when I spot her sitting on the couch. She is looking back at me with mixing emotions. The kind of reaction that both defensive and hesitant.

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