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"Oh my god" I gasped.

Lisa slammed the door using her hand. The door cracks under her punch as I swallow hard to the surprise.

That's it. That's the end of it.

I could not hold back my annoyance and use my elbow as my support to sat up. Seriously? Aren't that the cheap underwear from that day? It's been dirtied also. Ew to that look. I still remember the way that both fucker did their cum to that panties.

"THIS IS YOURS, DOESN'T IT?!" Lisa hissed. She looked so angry that I frown deep to her reaction.

I nod my head. "Yeah, that's mine Lisa" I tell her. "But not mine anymore". That cheap underwear isn't mine anymore. It got into different hand, so not mine anymore.

She threw the box to the floor hardly. She look so fucking mad right now. This is my first time seeing her so furious. She has her hand bleeding but she didn't even care about it. "What the fuck is that?! Why does it written Rosèanne Park cheating prove with other man behind her wife back on the fucking paper?!! What the hell is this. What the hell Rosie?!" She screamed to me. Her breath become shallow as she fist her hand hard on both sides. Eyes wide as she rage with anger.

She look so furious now. Her eyes pooling as she fell to her knees. She kneel on the ground and cry.

Oh drama. Let me watch for a while. It's entertaining to watch this.

Once in a while you know, I got to see such funny drama.

She brought her hands up and look at both her palm. "I..I've been so happy just now. I feel so happy. So happy that something good finally came to our life" she sob and cry harder. "But this...how...how could you"

Could what? Could my ass?

"How could I get pregnant with your child and that panties wasn't even mine anymore?" I threw her the question. I feel tired and yawn. Why am I feeling sleepy when I just woke up? "Lisa daa-ling, that panties isn't mine anymore. I told you" I repeated. I feel like smacking her head to the floor right now. Can't she understands the word I am saying?

She look up at me looking all defeated. "That's yours Rosie. It's designated. The R words and the golden flower..it's yours"

This woman.. can I really actually kill her without killing her for real? Please tell me a yes.

"I believe Kim or Choi send this" I say. Even saying the two surename disgust me. "Believe me. There is funny story behind this. Do you want to listen?" I ask. Her dramatic heartbroken reaction is too funny but making me feel a little bad right now. She is crying and I hate to see her cry.

Well, sometimes I like to see her cry. It gives me a sense of satisfication of being the one overpowering her emotions.

"..." Lisa say nothing. She continue her silent cry on the floor. Her body freezing as if her heart turns cold.

Oh, drama.

I roll my eyes out of annoyance. I should had killed the two man when I have the chance to but the freaking woman saw me. So I had to abort my mission and left early  after I set up my back up plan equipment; the hologram.

"To be honest, I hate to do story telling. But since I don't want my dearest daa-ling devouring me later, let me just tell the story" I stop and look at her reaction. It's a joke. Shouldn't it be funny?

Hmm? Still nothing? I always knew every and each of my jokes is hard to understand.

"But I feel sleepy. I might fall asleep while telling" I joke more. Will I be receiving at least a smile this time?

Psycho Love {Chaelisa}Where stories live. Discover now