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Chaotic, noisy, fights. You can name all the drama both woman pull in the kitchen as they unpack the stuff we got from the store. Sweets loading the drawer just under the kitchen island. The devil been arguing she can fit more into the last drawer but her mommy has been scolding her about buying too much of it. And me? Here I am watching in amusement as I sip my coffee.

I'll give everything to watch this drama everyday. I swear.

"No, it's not enough anymore. See?" Rosie murmur. She snatch the three big packet; one for marshmallow, second for pop candy and the third for chocolate. "Wait, how is there chocolate? Who give you the permission getting this?"

Oops. My cueeee.

I turn around slowly. Almost tiptoeing to be honest.

"Yah! Lalisa!"

The yell stop me on track. My body froze as I turn around slowly with sheepish smile. I should had run away instead of in slow motion. Shit.

My heart picking up pace. I'm dead. I'm just dead. I swear I'm dead.

"Mama" Devil accusing hand pointing at me. "Bad mama"

Huh? What?! "Why am I bad?" I murmur looking at the mischievous devil. She has this type of remarkable grin on her face looking at me from behind her mommy. Damn that child. I got her whatever she wanted but then this is what I got in the return? She is going to make her mommy killing me. I swear..

The devil giggle secretly from Rosie back. That has me rolling my eyes but then the firm sound of ehem straighten my back. "Lalisa, the fish? Why did you bought the chocolate? You know devil is extremely active. If you shove this chocolate into her system, I bet you will have to buy me a chain so that I can lock her up"

The fish is the other word for "fuck".

The devil eyes widen. She scoot away immediately almost stumbling on her short feet. "No mommy. No" she mumble. She look scared as hell. Her body jerk when her mommy look at her with a glare.

Can't blame her. I feel like sweating right now. Her mommy is the scariest when she got mad. One glare could send someone peeing in their pants.

"What do you mean no?". Her voice stern and damn killing. Devil hundred percent going to pee herself there from the way she fidget her body. Her clever mind must be racking to find excuses now with that quick moves of eyes looking everywhere. I bet, she's planning an escape. "Don't even try it devil. Mommy can read your mind"

"Wow" I mumble before I could stop myself. A glare send to my way and I brought my two hands up.

Rosie squinted her eyes but then look at the mischievous kid again. This time, she let go of the Pop Candy and marshmallow packet to the kitchen island. Then, she flashes the Chocolate packet just right before the devil eyes. "You. Will. Never. Have. This. Chocolate". Her hand moving towards the stove. She click the stove to fire then place the packet just on top of it. She spin the control, put the flame bigger until my eyes almost buldge out seeing the way the packet melt.

Hell. She is mad mad mad.

"s..s..s..SW..Sworry mommy" the devil stammer. She already lean against the sink staring in horror towards her melting chocolate packet. Rosie show no mercy when it comes to devil health and well being. I made a mental note not to give devil anything she despised or else I'm dead. "Mommy" she shakily say.

When the melting reach near her hand, Rosie let go of the whole packet to the fire. The plastic melt totally ruining the stove but she didn't even blink towards the messes she made. She is damn rich to get new one possible after. I'm sure she won't even care if she burn the whole house just to get that damn chocolate dissapear from her sight.

"If devil.." her voice came out like a death warning she gave me the night where she doubted I have an affair. The chocolate all gone, including the packet. The smokes goes up and the alarm rings in an instant. The deafening sound cause terror happen to the face of our daughter.

Aren't this a bit..cruel?

But this is Rosie. Something like this didn't even surprise me. At least I know she won't kill devil.

She crouch down eyes level to the scared devil. Hand placed on the shaky shoulder of the little girl. Devil eyes already pooling with tears as she look at her mommy stern look. "If you dare eating chocolate, mommy will make sure you burn like that too. Even if you did that in secret, you know mommy can be like god sometimes. Whatever you are doing from behind, I will always know about it" she pause to cup her hand on devil cheeks. She peck the teary cheeks gently then smile as if she hadn't just cause terror towards her daughter. "Since you are a good girl. How about we go and have lots of candy for starters? Oh! And one ice cream box shared and then sipping our green tea drink?"

The teary face lit up. "Yay!"

"Oh?" I find myself murmuring in speechless tone. For a moment I thought they will kill each other. The devil just show me she was in terror and Rosie showed me she was about to kill devil. But all of sudden both of them smilling now as if nothing happen???

Am I...

Am I the only Alien here?

Or am I the only saint one standing over here?

Or maybe I'm the weirdo.

Definitely. Definitely hundred percent that child taking over her mom personality.

Hell, why do I suddenly feel so lonely? "Seriously" I roll my eyes. My heels turning and I walk away towards the exit now. Devil is the only child, and that only child is taking over Rosie sides so much. Is there any more room for me? I'm damn lonely. Lonely with those confusion towards their personalities shifting. Lonely for being the only one opposite when it comes to gender. Lonely when it comes to understanding their mood swings. If only...

My body stop moving. I heard the quick sound of footsteps and the sound of refrigerator being open close from behind me, which indicates they are busy preparing for their snacks time at the moment. "Rosie?" I call as I turn around. I found her just standing beside the refrigerator. Ice cream container in her hand as she steal a scope into her mouth.

"Hmm?" She hummed. Her eyes looking up at me with an arch of eyebrows. Her blonde hair combed with one hand before she lean perfectly like refrigerator model over there. She damn made me sigh to such sight as she eye me with her charming spells.

Fuck god for creating this woman.

"Lisa?" She call. My eyes blink profusely trying to ignore the beauty.

I took a deep breath. "Should me make another baby?" I blurt out. But all of sudden, I want to slap my mouth shut with my palm when the sound of silver spoon fell onto the floor almost as soon as I talked. It fell from her hand and her face immediately turning tomato red as she choked on her ice cream. Container fell from her palm with loud thud sound, mouth gaping, jaw hanging so low.

"PARDON?!" My body flinched to the yell. Devil already screaming with her tiny feet brushing past me. That kid sure know atomic bomb is going to explode.

I swallow the lump in my throat. May God bless me-

"LALISA MANOBAN!!" She screamed. Feet walking to me as I watched with wide eyes.

Oh hell, here we go.


Short chap.

Remember to;

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