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"Lisa noooooo" the drama queen whine for the umpteenth time while holding on to my left legs. She refused to let me go after I came out of my shower. Here come the period mood coming. This morning is hard enough for me to even breathe.

Mood swings of being clingy as kid to clarify. "You can'tttt goooo" she shook my legs. V is already biting his lips, probably trying to hide the hint of smile that gonna burst into a big loud laugh. Seriously this woman, everyone is watching us right now.

What am I suppose to do? This cuteness overloading on her face making it's hard for me to even refuse her begging. She never beg. Well, not when she's off sex. This probably my first time since we got married seeing her acting so ridiculously childish.

But cute, to be honest. I love this sides of her but except the..umm.. "God my queen" I pick up her arms wrapped against my legs but she bite it instead. "Ah!" I screamed in pain.

Rosie roll her eyes and puff her cheeks like an angry chipmunk as I flash her a look of disbelief. The guards waiting for me including V has their back turn on us instantly but I know they are just hiding their laugh from the shook of their shoulder. Goodness, what has this wife of mine become in her pregnancy? It's just a month now. I hoped she ain't still behaving this way after giving birth or else, I'll have to be the mother of two. One for aldult, one for the real baby.

But I was hoping for twin.

I shook my head in disbelief. The angry chipmunk keep pulling my pants down that I swear if I didn't tighten my belt, I'll be off well as naked as a newborn baby. "Rosie-"

"No no no nooo no NOOOOOO" She cut me off with her long whining again. I can't help but to sigh in defeat towards the clinginess. I have work to do. Due to Rosie absence in the office, I have to handle both office and our Don work. Not that it's her fault fully but I told her to just stay at home and be a queen of the castle only. She'll have to drop her Queen Of Moves tittle until she gave birth. But look at this Queen Of Castle trying to capture her wife staying alongside her whole day. She kept me with her for so many days already. If I stay longer, who's going to work for us?

"You know I can't my love" I sigh and scoot down. She let go of my legs and moved to my neck instead. Eyes looking all sad as she pout to me.

God, who can resist that pout. She is emotionally blackmailing me right now. And she smile knowing I groan in frustration. Fuck this, she know me very well. "Ahkay" she cutely say like a kid. She lean in and kiss me on my tip of nose sweetly, leaving that spot warm with her lips then cold without her touch. "You will stay, right Lisa?"

Her eyes thoughtfully looking into mine right now. I feel stuck to say whether a yes or a no.


Maybe she noticed my reluctant reaction. She shook her hand on my neck causing me to sway like a small bot in the ocean being washed away by big waves. She shook and shook me until I feel dizzy.

"Lisaaaaaaaa" she starts to whining again. Who need a baby if you already got a baby here, Lisa? I bet the baby of mine that's going to come out will turn out to be more grown up than this childish mommy. "Lisaaayyaaaaa"

God, I feel dizzy. I placed my hand on her arms to still her body. "Shut"

"Shut up?" She pout to me now. Her clever brain making assumptions towards the mistakes of words I've done.

"M-" My throat suddenly can't move. Rosie pressing her thumb tight onto my Adams apple causing me to have difficulty in both breathing and speaking. "R..r..r.."

"Oh yes?" She blinked. Eyes batting, mouth twitching as she press deeper to my throat. The torture cause me to choke and force me to pat her arms lightly that signifies I'm conceding defeat.

She didn't budge. Face hardening, lips turn thin. She look at me in the eyes with her challenging look. Her eyebrows perk up in sarcastic way. "Dare to shut me off again?" She scowl.

I feel myself turning blue. I shook my head vigorously, conceding defeat again. Her hand pressing a bit harder causing me to choke on breath but then she let go.

My breath finally came out as I was able to inhale some oxygen to fill my lung. It hurts so bad on the spot she pressed. Her extreme punishment never fail to make me feel in the brink of death always.

My chest heaving as I try to catch my breath.

She flashes me a smile. "Okay" she let go of me. She soften the spot she pressed with her tongue, causing me to shut my eyes close.

No..not again.

"Let's go on date daa-ling" she mumble. I feel her lips on my Adams apple, kissing that spot so warmly that I can't help but to growl out of comfort and easiness. If having her lips on me like this after choking, she can choke me everyday. I won't even oppose it anymore. "Okie?" The small kid voice came back again.

I open my eyes and roll it. "Yes, kiddo" I agree. I have to or else, will she even let me go? Then now, I have to work from home again. I hope we won't be back too late or else, I'll have to stay overnight to work. I believe she won't even let me go to work in night time. For a week now, she has been staying with me for late meeting, for every calls, every written works and every single activities of our dons.


By basically eating, eating, eating, eating and eating as she accompany me. And then, if not eating, she will stay asleep, asleep, asleep, asleep and asleep in my arms. That's adorable to be honest and I love it that I can accompany her but today, I'm suppose to go to the site to have a look at the progress. But looking at this, I'll just have to cancel. Maybe I'll just bring her along tommorow. So there will be no excuse for her to stop me from going.

Since this pregnancy happen, Rosie has become more possessive, clingy and jeleousy. She will not admit it but I know she is.

And I love every bit of it.

"Alright" I nod my head. I look down at my clothes and realized, my clothes is too formal for a date. Maybe I'll shrug off this jacket to look more casual.

Rosie rose up to her feet abruptly. She innoncently elbow my mouth on her way up but instead of apologizing, she giggle sweetly then jog towards the stairs. Her crescent eyes make my heart flip as she flash me again her true smile with her body turning back. The way her lips stretch, the way her dimples shows line, she is damn perfect. She look more gorgeous than ever with that relaxing stretching face muscle. She look so radiating that she fill the whole living room with her halo. My heart is beating fast. Damnit.

"I love you Lisa!" She screamed. Her voice rang loud and clear in the living room as if she was shouting it to the whole world to let them know she confessed her love to me.

And I smile to her confession. My hand on my chest as I feel my heart leaping against my rib. She just said she love me. I know she had said it few times but every time she does, it just sound so nice and it makes me feel so giddy and happy. I just feel so fucking crazy; my mind will spill out of my skull while my heart probably going to jump out of my chest.

And that smile is so damn beautiful after she say it all out. She look so genuine and pure. Unlike the old time Rosie that stay straight faced, she become more softer and cheerful now. She look so gorgeous with her smiles on.

Damn that smile.

I'll do everything for it to stay that way.

I won't ever let anyone snatch away this sides of her.


The date is next chap.

Short Chap today. If you guys want to see Rosie smile towards Lisa, there is pic up there. Have a look at it.

Remember to;

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