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The scratch mark is pretty bad. The remark on this piece which is small like an ant doesn't help either. It looked like a B shape but at the same time it looked like a K shape. I try to put it under the blue light but still I am clueless. If this piece condition is this pretty bad, even the professional lab we have will going to experience the same dilemma like I do right now.

I twist the broken piece under the blue light. There must be something else can be the clue as to what alphabet is that on that part. Probably something on its back as it was carved like pretty deep.

I twist the piece. Carefully, I trace my finger onto the back part of the broken piece. I feel the almost invisible budge through my finger and try to guess the word out. But my breath was caught in my throat for as soon as I manage to put my hand and come into conclusion.

"WHAT!" I snapped without realizing it. My hand letting go of that broken piece immediately, sending it fell onto the table. My body went back as I stare with wide eyes to the stuff.

What the fuck did I just figure out.

"It can't be.." I shook my head and took the piece again. Carefully, I put it inside the safety box and lock it. The only thing that can open this box is my code. I have to keep this here before I try to ask them to find other more stuff in this investigation. I have to be so sure what it was actually.

My mind feel like it is going to burst from my head right now. Things just get more and more complicated. The more clue I manage to collect, the more complicated the whole thing is.

Should I tell Jennie? I can't tell Lisa yet since I am not very sure about this. But Jennie..maybe I shouldn't tell her either for now. I have to focus on finding more to support my conclusion. For now, at least I have this possibility.

50-50 percent of possibility, this is so far a good progress on finding the real answer to our questions.

I fish my phone from my pocket and dial a number. The phone immediately ring and the person I called picking it up.


I found out about it.

Agent A:

What is it boss?


I'll keep that to myself for now. I will ask few excellent members in my team to help you. I want more clue to this case. We are so close to the end.

Agent A:

Sure boss. Consider it's done.


I will text you when I finally assigned which members will help you.

Agent A:

Alright boss. Thank you.


Good Job, Agent A.

I terminate the call.

I now looking down at the safety box in front of me. The clue will be safe in there but something is telling me we have a parasites in this unit. The more lead I found, the more I feel like I can't trust those man of Lisa's and Rosèanne's.

I have to be careful. Be extra cautious and finding out the plague will be my next move. Maybe by figuring out who's the traitor, it could lead more to the end of this case. For now, I will have to find out the right word and the right time to tell Lisa about this.

I sigh heavily.


Lisa will be the hardest one to handle. How should I tell her about this? I couldn't just simply go to her and drop this like a fucking bomb. God knows how much sorrowful she is these days. I can't tell her that abruptly or things will got out of our hands.

But how?

How should I tell her? How should I tell her without dropping it off like a freaking bomb? How?

How should I say to her that she is..she is..



Short Chap.

Remember to;

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