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The straight face picture...

Everything is so treasurable to me. Those childhood pictures, teen pictures and alduulthood pictures.. we looked so young back then. The last alduulthood pictures probably taken around 5 years ago. If she come back later, I will ask her to take lots of picture with me again to be kept here in this photo book. She is not a fan of a camera but she never actually really being cruel enough to fight me to death refusing taking pictures with me. She has always been the same.

Maybe because she did not smile a lot, doesn't it?

But I saw one picture in her and Lisa's room. She is smilling in that picture. She looked happy. She looked so good, fine and well with Lisa by her side. Maybe my assumption about Lisa being not good enough for her is wrong. Maybe Lisa is the right person. She is able to make her happy compare to me who has been there for years by my sister sides. I am glad there is someone who can still make her smile.

We had gone through a horror childhood. Rosie took it more than me. She witnessed the murderer of our mom while I am at the office that day. We are barely a grown up girl. She is so young. Me too. I am slightly a year older than her but I am married by that time when we lost our mom.

We have been through childhood that is bad as hell with our mother almost never be able to be home as she needed to flew here and there between countries to handle her overseas business. She is one of the most busy woman who is very independent and successful. She brought Park family name to the world grace. We are acknowledged by lots of countries over the world because of our mom.

But due to her absence, me and my sister well being is turning it's circle upside down. With our wicked aunt who lust over what we owned things has never been better. She had her affair with our mother friend, Mason. They both been doing sex together and lots of abuse to me and my sister. They will use the card our mom left for us to themselves. They will have lavish dinner, clubbing, wasting money on expensive jeweleries, fancy wine and new clothes. They use the money for their own self while in fact, mom is leaving the golden card for mine and Rosie use.

Because of their greed, Rosie and me had been living a miserable life. There is more than time I can count when we have nothing to eat. I have to ask food from neighborhood just because I want to feed me myself and my little sister. Back then when Rosie was just a tiny kid, she is already so rebellious and know to hate. She is a quick learner and was a very blessed kid who is born with extra intelligent. She learn to walk as early as 9 months year old baby and able to talk at the age of 1 year old. When our mom decided to continue her usual schedule as soon as Rosie is one year old, that's when hell started to burn into mine and Rosie's life. I was only 2 year old by that time and my speech is kind of messy.

But Rosie being the good in speech always help us up when we need to ask for food in the neighborhood. Some people was so kind back then, especially the old granny that live on her own by the end of the road. Her villa is kind of far from our home but she is the nicest among all. Most people knew me and my sister came from a rich family. When we ask for food, they insulted us and humiliate our mom for our behavior requesting food from them. It made us mad. There is few times I had to pull Rosie fat baby hand because she is so ready to beat the shit out of the gigantic man who humiliate our mom. I call him as giant because we are small and he is big by that time.

If I ever meet him again now, I probably will going to punch his face until it breaks. How dare he insulted our mom that way.

Rosie is never really that much happy kid back then. Maybe because she was taught of the harshness of reality so early at such one year old age. Me too. But at least I enjoy my 2 year old life having my mom by my side. I was able to be with her, feel the way she spoil me with love and tender care. But Rosie, my mom was getting busier by that time ever since she is pregnant with Rosie. Until Rosie was born, my mom barely able to have time for her. She do try to make some time for her. I can see our mom efforts and sadness on her face when she is unable to hold her newborn baby as much as she has her tablet in her hand doing her work. As soon as she is awake from the labour, she started to work, work, work and work.

Until she left us for work. That's when it all started.

Despite anything, she will come back home once a year. And by the time she is back, that was the most wonderful time for me and my sister. Our mom will usually going to stay for 1 month or minimum 2 weeks with us every year. We are the happiest family when she is there that everyone will be so jeleous seeing our unbreakable bond. Also, that was the only time where my aunt will show us her fake smile and tender care.

Now that I think about it, it make me feel extremely nauseous. She is so Fake.

She starve us, leave us out some nights in the cold, ask us to do the chores, never give us food, never ask the driver to send us to school and never care about us when we are sick. Me and Rosie has to survive on our own in times of sick. We helped each other. There is one time Rosie was having seizure due to the overheated body temperature that reach 40 degree Celsius. I was so scared that I carry her fat baby self on my back running out of the house because our aunt did not care. I tripped few times on my way. My body is so small by that time but Rosie is lots more smaller. The age is 2 for me and 1 for her. It was the same exact year where our mom first left us.

I still remember that day, it was raining very heavily. I didn't even wear my sneakers. I ran with my barefoot. I was so scared but the only thing I could think of is saving my sister no matter what it takes. So I just go on with anything. I decided to ran to the old grandma who live in the Villa by the end of the road. It was far and it was raining that day which made it hard for me and Rosie reaching the place without fell and wounded. I fell few time and even had my feet bleeding badly from the sharp rock. But I care not to stop running because my sister matter to me the most.

When we finally reach her home, I knocked on her door panicking. Luckily the old grandma opened her door almost immediately. It almost feel like God send her to us when we were there.

The granny looked at us and curse instantly. My tears fell down on my cheeks when she immediately told us to come in and call in her personal doctor.

Rosie and me ended up staying at her house for 1 week until Rosie recovered a little from her fever. Although I hoped we could stay longer and forever, we both know we can't run away from home or something bad will happen.

And we are right. When we finally came back home, we are abused so badly that I have cuts on my lips. I almost blacked out due to the slaps and punch coming from our aunt. As for Rosie, she was thrown to the water and leave in the cold. I was beaten more and more because I was trying to save her from drowning. She doesn't even know how to swim.

Since then, she is so traumatized to water.

There is lots of awful stories when it comes to our childhood. But of course, there is good one which happen between me and my sister. We pulled pranks, we rebel in school together, we started to fight back in most dirty way when we get slightly older and lots more. Those are the happiest because we shared it in between us.

Our life is so adventurous with blockbuster, melancholia, horror, mysterious and lots more possible genres.

And that's it. That is all of it until few years ago, our mom died. Since then, Rosie changed fully into the darkest version of her. I feel scared seeing her turning into that kind of woman. I never know the full story behind the incident since she refused to tell me the full story. She didn't share any details and doesn't speak about it to anyone either. She change herself and become someone else; Someone whom is the very different to the deepest core of her own old personality. She always keep everything to her own self and her actions is hard to guess. She become emotionless, merciless and a sadist. She is also a masochist who likes to hurt her own self and laugh at it because she feel pleasure from all the pain she received and the pain she inflicted.

She become more and more dangerous. She become so out of control. Rosie has become a monster in her own way.

I may never say it all out before but I had seen,

The psycho side of her.


I will publish lots of chapter this week.

Remember to;

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