Damn my heart is shot straight with an arrow. I'll die of love after this. I think my death is written as dead because of adorable face of my dear wife. I'm dying. This heart can't stand this. I'm too weak for this.

I swear I'll be like one of those in the comic having my nose bleeding. "I..god" I turn around. How will I even able to be so stern now when all she show me is that adorable pout? She look like a little kid playing peek-a-boo using the duvet. My heart can't do this.

My heart can't stand this.

My heart is beating crazily. Fuck.

"My daa-ling? You mad?" The innoncent tone of the woman perk in my ears. I swallow hard the lump of my throat. Mad? It's more like dead here. Does she even know that??

"Um no" I say. I hear the fluster in my tone and clear my throat. I got to gather myself up now and make her eat this pill. "Pill my love. Come and take this" I say. I turn around just to be greet with the excessive head shake. Her hand pulling the duvet up to the tip of her nose.


"Yah no" she protested. The stubborn woman still insist on being a kid. How will I make her eat this medicine now? She is stubborn as hell.

"My queen" I sat myself by the end of the bed board. A sigh escaped my lips as I stare at the pill in my hands. It's been 30 minutes and she doesn't even want to take it.

Should I pull a drama? I think I should. To master the mind of a drama queen, we have to be the director, don't we?

I pull a sad face with a long sigh.

"Daa-ling?" I hear the tiny voice of hers rang. It fills with concern and I know she really believe in my acting when I feel the bed move under me. "Daa-ling Lisa?" She call.

I sigh again. "I guess, I'll have to starve myself for 1 day starting from tonight till tomorrow. If you didn't eat this medicine, I won't be able to breathe peacefully" I mumble. It's a part of lies and truth. I really know that I won't be able to stay still if she didn't take this pill. It's important for her. "I guess, this is it. Let's call this a night. Go to sleep. I'll be downstairs"

I rose on my feet, ignoring the hand that slip away from my shoulder. She touch me when I was going up from the bed. It made me feel bad but I kind of feel really naturally down now. Rosie is stubborn. Only she can change her mind and no one else. She has to be the one to want to do it or else, nothing will even go in my way. I can't possibly shove this medicine to her mouth, don't I?

"Maybe I should be the one to eat this then" I mumble. I bring the medicine to my mouth and chew. The taste is so biting that I feel myself want to vomit it all out but I hold myself back. Just a bit and then it's done.

"Lisa" I hear her calling again. This time, she grip on my arms tightly like she don't want me to go. And I smile a bit knowing this is it. The right moment to do it.

Turning around in one smooth moves, I pull the back of her neck to crash her lips onto mine. She went stiff when I first crash us onto each other but then she soften her own self. I didn't move my lips but instead, it was her who suck on my bottom lips and moan throatily to the way she move sensually dancing against my lips.

I took that cue to stick my tongue out and shove it into her parting lips. The contain of my mouth spills into her and she come to realization with the attempt of jerk she made. But I hold her back of neck firm in my hold to make sure she drink all the chewed medicine spilled to her mouth.

"Mmmph" she whimper. She was force to swallow the contain when I pull her hair slightly a bit hard to make sure it goes down her throat.

Then I let go. I let go with a big grin on my face. She choke a cough holding onto her neck looking up at me in murderous look right now. But I choose to just smile wider to that. I know the very most of murdering attempt is to make me bleed a little. I bet her ass can't even lift a limb right now. She'll feel sleepy in no time. I was told the sleepiness is the side effects of the medicine.

Psycho Love {Chaelisa}Where stories live. Discover now