Just read!

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Ghost readers- people who frustrate the living soul out of me!

One- I appreciate every single one of you who take the time to read my story and even vote! I can't thank you enough because this motivates me to keep writing; knowing people enjoy my work! ❤️
Two- writing is hard it takes a lot of freaking patience and not all people are confident in their writing skills. I for one deal with writers block quite often but I don't let that deter me

When that happens I'll work on other stories in my drafts or simply read one of my favorite books. What I'm saying is Wattpad isn't one of your favorite bookstores out there. People want to know if you really enjoy their work or not. They want feedback.

Three- don't just not be an active reader. The more you show and let it be known that you literally enjoy someone's book helps keep that writer motivated. I promise you that comment and that vote can make someone really happy

I'm extremely proud of how far my book has come but sometimes I just don't be feeling like I can do it every week.
I update through the entire weekend alone just to pace myself

Let me know you're here, I want to continue writing this book for you guys!
I want to start working on the second book really soon as well

Make sure to show love on every last one of your favorite books. Don't just read and not vote or comment make these authors happy so that they can make you happy with these updates because wheww chile!

Anyways I will see y'all Thursday bc I'm taking off from school so there will be an update, possibly two or three chapters no more or less until the weekend

Love everyone and remember to love yourselves as well!!❤️

𝑵𝒚𝒎𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒂 (BWWM) 18+Where stories live. Discover now