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~Sitting on my purple beanbag I push my glasses up for the fourth time in one siting. "Maybe I should invest in contacts." I say thinking out loud

"Hell no!"

I look up from my book at a half naked Brody who's supposed to be playing the game but instead is in my business. I tilt my head to the side at him as he walks closer to me

"You should really watch your mouth. You curse more than my father."

"Are you going to make me watch my mouth Daphne?" He asks taking my glasses. I really wish he wouldn't do that

"Give them back."

"Say please."


"Well it's no fun when you actually say it." He huffs

I get up to the best of my ability trying to not bump anything. I'm bout blind as-

Yup that.
"What did you do now?" I ask frantically. If he broke my glasses again I'm going to be the one cursing. He's very clumsy and it doesn't help that I'm also clumsy!

"I sort of-"

"Did you break my glasses Alexander?!"

He laughs but I find nothing about this funny. I fall on the couch and bring my hands closer to my face. I guess I have to prepare for another week of not seeing the world

"Not the middle name."

I can feel him getting closer to me. I scoot back on the couch and he follows. "Brody stop."

"I haven't touched you in two weeks love. Do you know what that does to me?" He whispers quite sexually. I close my legs to stop him from getting any closer. What is up with him these days!

"W-we should go find the others. I'm sure t-the girls are looking for me."

He "tsk." Before pushing me down and forcefully pushing my legs apart. "I think we should do something else."

I bite my lip to stop any sounds from leaving my mouth. It's embarrassing! There's a reason he hasn't touched me in two weeks, I'm to shy to actually initiate anything when it comes to sex

My grandmother caught me masterbating once and freaked out. It's the reason why I'm here. I'm a virgin! And his private area looks like it'll rip me to shreds. I am not ready for that!

"Silver!" I yell. He stops instantly.
I feel him back away from me and I fall flat on the couch breathing hard. My heart feels like it's ready to jump from my chest.

I sit up using my arms. Brody places my glasses back in their rightful place and I can see him clearly now. His hazel eyes stare into my plain brown ones. He doesn't look upset or angry even the slightest

"I-I'm sorry." I whisper

"It's fine love. I know your not ready, I'll wait. We can go watch a movie or you can go see your friends."

I nod and get up making my way to my room. I look back at him. Brody goes back to playing his ps5 that I'd brought him last week. He puts his headphones on and goes back to screaming at his friends.

𝑵𝒚𝒎𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒂 (BWWM) 18+Where stories live. Discover now