nero bride x male reader

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Fate Series is own by Kinoko Nasu and Type-Moon

I do not own any of the image

This request is from idontgiveashit (that's the username i am not kidding)

Author p.o.v
You are an ordinary summoner as you are master who train with swords and a kind person that you are always help people and spar with your servant whom is nero a saber class that you and her that each other have feelings for one and another that waiting for the right time to tell feelings for one and another.

You are heading towards your home with shirou as you finish late class that you both walk .

Shirou: hey y/n kun um thanks for accompany back home.

Y/n: well its at least i can do i mean we both finish late.

Shirou: true true.

You smile softly that you look up.

Y/n: man i wonder what is nero doing

Shirou: think about her?

Y/n: mmm yea .

Shirou: well i am sure she is just waiting for you .

Y/n: mm yea it is .

They both laugh with each other as they both arrive at shirou household .

Y/n: alright see you around shirou .

Shirou: you too and thanks for accompany.

Y/n: no problem.

You said as shirou about to open the door as being dragged inside by saber.

Saber: shirou we are out of rice!

Shirou: not again!

You chuckle while having a sweatdropped as you head back home .

Y/n: those two are something .

You said to yourself as you walk a bit ahead as arrive at your home that you open the door as head inside as take off your shoes.

Y/n: i'm home

You said as you heard footsteps that you see someone appear infront of you that you smile .

Y/n: hi nero.

Nero: welcome home .

You look at her as she is wearing the same outfit from the first time you both met .

Y/n: you wait me huh?

Nero: mmm well if i don't wait you you might think no one is home .

Y/n: that is true .

Nero smile softly .

Nero: so master what are you late you are rarely late .

Y/n: well i was caught on something .

Nero: oh? Were you trap in the sea of people where you couldn't walk?

Y/n: what no

Nero: was there a ferocious beast that you have to battle ?

Y/n: lol no nero .

Nero: did you have to fight someone that you have to save someone?

You gently headchop her head and slowly pats her head .

Y/n: no nero non of the above alright.

Nero: then?

Y/n: i was accompany shirou to his home because we both went back late from class.

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