nariko x male reader

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Heavenly sword is own by Ninja Theory

I do not own this image

This request is from Hyperius2099

Author p.o.v
You are a warrior that you are determined that you always fight and protect anyone that comes in your way as you are allies with nariko that through out the journey you help her, protect her and save her from time to time that you helped her out with her journey as time passes that you and her grown closer together  that both of them develop feelings for one and another .

You and nariko walk ahead that they fought tough enemies that you panted and look around .

Y/n: you know nariko this going to be really hard after this more of them will come

Nariko; still we need to be strong and defeat king bohan before he end us .

Y/n: but i know you are a strong woman but you should be careful even strong warrior  like you can fight properly .

Nariko: ahh you , you know your really care caring about me sometimes.

Y/n: well we are from the clan together and i been close with you for a while so its not that easy for me to be apart from you.

Nariko:hnmm well i just don't know what would i do without you.

Y/n: well nariko i am your friend and protector till the end .

Nariko; yea..friend .

She said with low tone that you walk with her as you notice she look down after she said that as you felt you say something wrong .

Y/n:ummm ...nariko you ok?

Nariko; yea i am fine we have to head forward alright.

Y/n: umm yea let's go.

You said while walking with her ahead that you and her have fought much that you two been fighting more that you and her felt a bit awkward from what had happen with you talk with her .

Timeline skip

As you and nariko have walk a while that they take a rest a nearby that they take a breather as you look at her .

Y/n:so..long way to go huh.

Nariko: yea.. but it will be worth it .

Y/n: hey umm just now can we talk about it?

Nariko; about what y/n?

She said while put the sword beside her as she look at you with a bit confuse .

Y/n: well you are a bit different you know .

Nariko: mm nothing just i had a lot of things in my mind that i don't know how to say.

Y/n: well nariko if you have something to say i am here for you .

Nariko; yeah i know y/n do you really think we can do this i mean we even come this far .

Y/n: i am sure we will and besides i know you won't give up , we can't let our clan down by the hands of the king he rage war against us now so we have to stop them .

Nariko: mmm yea and thanks for the support y/n

Y/n; no problem .

You look at her as she fix her hair and she look at you with a soft smile.

Y/n: woah .

Nariko; mmm is there something wrong y/n?

Y/n: nothing nariko just admiring the view .

Nariko smile softly as she slowly stand up.

Nariko: well come on then we have a journey to do.

Y/n: yea alright and hey nariko keep the sword close we don't want it to fall on the wrong hands.

Nariko; y/n that is the only one thing i will never do . Never let this sword out of my sight .

Y/n: alright that i agreed well then nariko i am up for the fight! Let's do this!

Nariko nods as you and her left the area and went ahead .

Timeline skip

You and nariko are battle it out some enemies that you and her are fighting side by side that more enemies are coming.

Y/n: well this is really something huh nariko!

Nariko: oh yea big time y/n be careful from the side!

Y/n: heck yea!

You slash to the side as one of the enemy fall while nariko attacks the enemy approach you as she smirk .

Nariko: hmmm i am still amazed how you could keep it up with me y/n.

Y/n: well i learn from the best ah!

You attack the enemy more as you turn back to her and panted.

Y/n: ahh ahh nariko i know its not the best time to say it .

Nariko: hmm?

You dodge the attack and slash more .

Y/n: but i need to tell you something before something bad happen .

Nariko: ok sure what is it y/n?

She ask while glance at you as she still in defend mode that seeing less enemies are coming .

Y/n: umm look i know its a bit crazy for me to say it but all this time that when i follow you i really admire a girl like you .

She blushes a bit while listening to you.

Y/n: that i found myself worried that if i tell you about my feelings towards you i am afraid that you might not like me ..

She slowly look at you more .

Nariko: y/n what are you talking about i always care about your feelings i may  be determined about things like you but i also care.

You look at her even more as you slash the enemy come towards her as she smile softly.

Y/n: well i am gonna say this ..nariko i..i love you for long time ever since i first saw you my heart beats so fast .

Nariko blushes as she look at you.

Y/n;so i-i don't know about it but my feelings is true towards i love you so much nariko .

Nariko smiles softly that she about to give answer as an enemy interrupt them while attacking them that you and nariko did a sync block as kick the enemy in the gut together that she smile and look at you.

Nariko; y/ be honest when you said friend i was upset that you don't like me ...back then but now i know you do love me and i want to accept your love that i love you too.

You blushes and smile as she pull you close and kisses on the lips as you kisses her back as they both enjoy the kiss together .

They both slowly went apart from the kiss and look at each other as they blush at the same time .

Nariko; that is amazing .

Y/n: yea i am glad that i am your first kiss.

Nariko; i am as well glad too .

Y/n: i love you nariko.

Nariko; i love you too.

They both smile as they ready again and hence forward with their journey as time passes that you and her have reach a new relationship for one and another that nothing will stand of their love .

female various x male reader 6 (Request Close)Where stories live. Discover now