Familiar voice: BLACK HOLE!!

Crowd: *gasp*


Golf Ball: I knew something was strange about you ever since I laid eyes on you, something unnatural no, something NOT of this world! TB give me a boost.

Tennis Ball hoists Golf Ball onto his shoulders so everyone can see her (TV also started to broadcast her on his screen). She then reveals Black Hole's file still labeled as "Vortex" with dramatic effect.

Golf Ball: And with this.. I have all the answers I needed!


She wheels out of the room angry but no one had paid mind to that as Golf Ball continued on.

Golf Ball: The 'person' known as "Vortex" is actually...

She swiftly rips the tape off the file revealing Black Hole's true identity however Mic was quick to take it away but looks at it herself.

Mic: Give me that you thief! 

Golf Ball: HEY!

Mic gains a somewhat concerned look to her, turns herself on and turns to where her neighbor/friend was 'standing'.

Mic: Vortex, this file says that you are actually Black Hole, is... is this true??

Black Hole stays silent for a moment when he looks to his club they also look rather nervous and yet they nod to him.

Black Hole: *sigh* y-yes...

All the students present started murmuring their reactions, while others are stunned silent. Golf Ball then hops off of Tennis Ball and marches to the stage until she was almost face to face with him.

Golf Ball: And so the monster of our destruction FINALLY reveals itself...!

Lightning: Ugh excuse me!? MONSTER!? 

All of Death P.A.C.T. but Black Hole jump off stage and approach Golf Ball ready to defend.

Remote: Listen here dimple-face, you know nothing of why he's on this planet!! >:0

Golf Ball: Oh I know plenty you faulty machine! The only reason an entity such as him would be present on Earth is TO DESTROY IT!!

Crowd: *GASP*

Bottle: Now that's just stupid! Black Hole is our friend! And-

Golf Ball: Friend? HA! Black Holes know NOTHING about friendship or love or any form of compassion! All his kind knows is to eat, kill, and grow! Isn't that correct Test Tube?

Test Tube: I... I... uuuuuuhhhhh.....

*SPLASH* Much to everyone's surprise test Tube had just spilled herself becoming empty.

Test Tube: Faaaan buddy ol pally... what song do YOU recommend at that I sing at the Clubhouse of Awesomeness!? hehehe...

Fan: Uuh, how about the "Let's get you to bed instead" song...

Liy: Well that was unexpected...

Golf Ball: Meh, I kinda saw that coming... Either way, his very presence is a danger to our planet's structural integrity! He does not belong here, never has and never WILL!


Death P.A.C.T. and Golf Ball then engage in a viscous argument, despite this battle being of 10 vs 1 it seems that nobody was going to win this debate. 

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now