Lan Yin Xu Guo (3)

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In the east of Youtan Valley, white mist fills the air.

The four seasons in the valley are like spring, and only the area where this secluded pool is located is extremely cold, as if the winter has stayed here.

It is rarely visited here on weekdays, and the white fog that pervades the surroundings is strange, which can keep the consciousness out, so that people can't see the scenery inside.

Suddenly, the air at the edge of the white fog fluctuated, and Ye Chiyi's figure appeared out of thin air.

He promised his daughter to save Ying Chai, and now he has put people into the medicine pool.
During this time, he took a wooden box and came to the outside of the secluded lake.

The wooden box contains the spiritual treasures that he took from the Qibao Building in the town outside the mountain when he went to the Shiwanda Mountain this time. It is just the wooden box together, and there is no special atmosphere on it, so people can't guess what is inside. What treasure is it holding.

Ye Chiyi's thin lips slightly opened: "Open."

The mist in front of him dispersed to both sides with the sound of "Open", revealing a path.

The man holding the wooden box stepped up and walked towards it, and behind him, the mist regrouped, covering his shadow.

In the white mist, there was the sound of spring water surging, the grass and trees on the ground grew, and the horns of Ye Chiyi's robe brushed over it, and the frosted grass and trees revived for a moment, and then froze again.

The frost on the ground made a slight noise under his feet, and accompanied him all the way to the cold pool.

At this time, the fog finally dissipated, revealing a calm and secluded pool. The beautiful man in dark clothes stopped, and the silver leaves shone with a cold light on his hair.

He is the only different color in this plain white world.

There is no grass and trees growing around the cold pool, and there is nothing else in the cold pool, just a bunch of lotus flowers growing in the middle.

From the unopened flowers to the few lotus leaves floating on the water, they are all blue like ice crystals.

The person standing by the pool looked at the budding lotus flower for a moment, and then opened the wooden box in his hand. The contents inside finally revealed its true appearance. It was a puff of white sand, and it was impossible to see where it came from.

Ye Chiyi took a shot in the air with his hand, and the white sand inside flew out of the wooden box, stretched into an arc and flew towards the lotus flower in the middle of the cold pool.

The white sand is falling, falling on the water, lotus and leaves, making a slight sound.

The sand that fell into the water sank quickly, and the sand that fell on the flowers and leaves quickly melted into the flowers and leaves.

The white sand in the box saw the bottom in an instant, Ye Chiyi put down her hand, and stood by the pool with the empty wooden box in one hand, quietly waiting for the changes in the pool.

But after a while, the lotus did not change its appearance after absorbing the white sand, not even the angle of the branches.

Ye Chiyi stood there for a while, seeing that it never changed, he seemed to let out a sigh. He put out his heart to see what was in the pool today, closed the box in his hand again, turned around and walked in the direction he came from.

Behind him, the lotus flower still stood there quietly, and it didn't change until his figure disappeared into the white mist.


The little girl with the bud head crossed the threshold and rushed into Ren Yanran's arms like a small cannonball, her hands tightly locked around her waist, "You finally came to me Let's play!"

This kind of enthusiasm is rare in the plain-looking Yun Tian Sect.

Ren Yanran was a little flattered, subconsciously raised her hand and patted her on the back, coaxing: "Okay, I'm here."

After the little girl in the pink ruffled skirt released her hand, she took a closer look. Her face was small for a moment, and then she said carefully, "Well, I lost my memory, who are you?"

The little girl took a step back when she heard her words: "You don't remember me?"

Ren Yanran looked at her eyes that were originally big now, and looked like she was about to cry. She hurriedly added a sentence: "It's not just you, I don't even remember my foster father."

This sentence was really useful. After hearing that she couldn't even remember Ye Chiyi, the little girl with bud head finally accepted this reality. Seeing her pouting, Ren Yanran stretched out her hand and took her own. 

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