A Shadow Of A Drought

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Haru: Pokémon are great!

Yuki: And so are friends!

Ash and Rara: Together as a team!

Chihiro and Tsubasa: We can shine even more!

Chihiro and Tsubasa: We can shine even more!

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Unsion: Pokémon Best Friends, Starting now!

Chihiro and Tsubasa: (Previously on...)

Unison: (Pokémon Best Friends!)

Tsubasa: (Last time, We meet our old bully named Koji who plans on catching a Cyndaquill. Ash decides to catch one too as we bump into Silver and Team Rocket along the way.)

Chihiro: (After a while of handling Koji, Silver, And Team Rocket, Ash manages to catch a Cyndaquill and defeat Koji with it. With all of the enemies behind us, We continue to our next destination, Azalea Town.)

With The Ten Trainers

We now see the ten Trainers and their Pokémon walking through a barren land on the harsh sun as everyone but Yuki was hot.

Haru: Hot... So hot...

Yuki: Totally! This heat is awesome!

Zorua: (Of course you'd say that...)

Riolu: (So thirsty...)

Brock: Ugh, Look at those plants, Every single one of them is shriveled up from the heat.

Ash: So am I. I need water or I'm gonna shrivel up too...

Chihiro: No kidding. I'm going to collapse soon...

Tsubasa: Sis, I'm feeling hot, tired and thirsty...

Kris: Me too, And my throat is feeling dry as the desert we're walking through.

Ethan: I have a feeling that we're about to see mirages soon. What should we do?

Misty: Hey, I know. I'll use Staryu.

Misty then gets out Staryu's PokéBall and brings it out.

Misty: Staryu, Cool us off with your Water Gun.

Staryu fires its Water Gun into the sky like a sprinkler as Misty, Brock, Ethan, And Kris were in swimsuits as Pikachu and Togepi enjoy the sprinkling with them.

Misty: This feels great!

Ethan: Totally!

Brock: Alright!

Kris: Yes!

Haru: You're a lifesaver Misty...!

Yuki: I'm not hot, But I could go for a little shower.

Ash: Why didn't I think of that? I could use Squirtle too.

Ash brings out Squirtle's PokéBall and brings him out.

Pokémon Best Friends: Johto League!Where stories live. Discover now