Ring Masters

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Haru: Pokémon are great!

Yuki: And so are friends!

Haru Together as a team!

Yuki: We can shine even more!

Unsion: Pokémon Best Friends, Starting now!

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Unsion: Pokémon Best Friends, Starting now!

Ash: (Previously on...)

Unison: (Pokémon Best Friends!)

Ash: (Last time, Haru, Yuki, And Brock got sick! And we had to take care of Brock's chores while they rested up. It was difficult, But we managed to do an okay job. More or less. That was until Team Rocket showed up and tried to steal our Pokémon. However, Haru, Yuki, And Brock got better and managed to stop them. The next day, We eat some breakfast before continuing on to Olivine City.)

With The Ten Trainers

As they continue their trek to the Johto gym in Olivine City, The ten Trainers and their Pokémon find themselves passing through an intriguing little village.

Misty: What's this?

Brock: It's an intriguing little village, Misty!

Soon, The sound of Pokémon battling is heard as they look forward.

Ethan: What was that?

Kris: I don't know.

Everyone soon see two large Pokemon locked up in a wrestling grapple.

Misty: Guys, Look up there!

Ash: Pokémon!

Tsubasa: And it looks like they're wrestling!

Tsubasa: Wrestling?

It's revealed that a Feraligatr and Nidoking are grappling.

Ash: Great! They're having a big battle!

Misty: Isn't that blue one a Feraligatr?

Feraligatr easily throws the Nidoking aside as its Trainer looks on happily.

???: NEXT! GO!

Haru: Wow, How interesting.

Yuki: Well its sure different from a regular battle.

???: Wow!

The ten Trainers and their Pokémon turned to see two familiar girls.

Nozomi: This is Mightily incredible! That Feraligatr sure toppled that Nidoking!

Rizumu: Nomi, Settle down. You might offend someone.

Haru, Yuki, Ash, Misty, And Brock: Nozomi! Rizumu!

The two girls soon turned to the group in confusion before gasping when seeing the five Trainers and their Pokémon.

Nozomi and Rizumu: It's you all!

Pokémon Best Friends: Johto League!Where stories live. Discover now