Foul Weather Friends

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Haru: Pokémon are great!

Yuki: And so are friends!

Haru Together as a team!

Yuki: We can shine even more!

Unison: Pokémon Best Friends, Starting now!

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Unison: Pokémon Best Friends, Starting now!

Haru and Yuki: (So far on Pokémon Best Friends!)

Haru: (I'm Haruki Sugiyama, or Haru for short. And this is my Partner, Riolu.)

Riolu: (Hi!)

Yuki: (I'm Yukihiko Takamura, or Yuki for short. And this is my Partner Zorua.)

Zorua: (Hey everyone!)

Haru and Yuki: (The two of us are Best Friends!)

Haru: (Last time, Chikorita was having an attitude problem being jealous of Pikachu. Even with Pokémon Therapy, It still was nasty and ended up running away and Pikachu followed her.)

Yuki: (After managing to take care of Silver and Team Rocket, Ash managed to get Chikorita to be nice, At least for a little while. As we soon head back out on our Journey to Azalea Town.)

With The Seven Trainers

We now see the seven Trainers and their Pokémon walking along the path together. As Ash soon spots don't Bellsprout.

Ash: Hey! Look at the Bellsprout!

Ethan: Cool.

Kris then spots some Vileplume.

Kris: And there are some Vileplume too.

Misty: We have to be careful not to breathe in their Stun Spore. Don't we, Togepi?

Togepi chirps in agreement as Haru and Yuki spot some Gloom.

Yuki: Wow, There's a couple of Gloom over there.

Brock: Sure are a lot of grass type Pokemon living around here, Aren't there?

Haru: You can say that again.

Riolu: (Hey Haru, Yuki, Look.)

Zorua: (There's something hoppy up ahead.)

Everyone looks forward seeing a pink Pokemon with green plants on its head happily hopping towards them.

Misty: Cutie!

Kris: Aw!

Ethan: It's a wild Hoppip.

Ash: I can see why it's called that.

Hoppip stops and smiles at our heroes.

Haru: It's a sweetie!

Yuki: Yeah.

???: There you are!

Everyone else got confused as they see a familiar girl street dancing style towards them as she backflips and grabs the Pokémon.

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