The Heartbreak Of Brock

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Haru: Pokémon are great!

Yuki: And so are friends!

Haru Together as a team!

Yuki: We can shine even more!

Unsion: Pokémon Best Friends, Starting now!

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Unsion: Pokémon Best Friends, Starting now!

Yuki: (Previously on...)

Unison: (Pokémon Best Friends!)

Yuki: (Last time, We made it to Whitestone, A town where every building is white. There we meet a man who's a famous artist named Jack Pollockson who owns Smeargle. Not only that, We meet new Idols named Hosoya Chiyu and Kida Ayato. But then, Team Rocket showed up trying to steal the art, But later the Smeargle. After we chased them and fought some Darkness, The Smeargle got their creativity back and Jack was happy. As we soon head back out to Olivine City for the Olivine Gym.)

With The Ten Trainers

The ten Trainers and their Pokémon have been traveling all day on their journey toward the Johto gym in Olivine City. Now it's getting late, And they need a place to spend the night.

Misty: Did you figure out where the Pokémon Center is yet, Haru?

Ethan: Yeah, we've been walking all day, I'm tired and my feet are killing me.

Haru was looking at his PokéGear's map as Yuki came beside him.

Haru: Not yet.

Yuki: Maybe we can ask someone for directions.

Kris: Good idea.

???: Hey~!

The group looks up to two shady girls coming up to Haru and Yuki.

Girl 1: You two are Haru and Yuki right?

Haru: Um, Yes.

Yuki: Are you fans?

Brock immediately tried to take a chance and goes for the other girl.

Brock: Hello gorgeous.

But the other girl just glared at Brock.

Girl 2: Buzz off.

Brock got stunned by that and backs up slowly.

Brock: O-Okay...

Girl 1: What is this? Tagging along with kids?

Girl 2: Must be exhausting. How about we get a drink?

Haru: Um, No thank you.

Yuki: We're fine really, But-

But, The first girl grabs Haru by his arm while the other girl grabs Yuki's arm much to the two boys' surprise.

Girl 1: Ah, Don't be like that.

Girl 2: C'mon, A drink won't hurt you.

Haru: We said no!

Pokémon Best Friends: Johto League!Where stories live. Discover now