A Claim To Flame!

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Haru: Pokémon are great!

Yuki: And so are friends!

Haru Together as a team!

Yuki: We can shine even more!

Unsion: Pokémon Best Friends, Starting now!

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Unsion: Pokémon Best Friends, Starting now!

Haru: (Previously on...)

Unison: (Pokémon Best Friends!)

Haru: (Last time, Ethan, Kris, Silver, Lyra, And Khoury left to do their other things while the rest of us were at the Ho-oh shrine to help out a shrine attendant handle a Sneasel, Machop, And Machoke problem. As we soon meet up with Harrison-senpai, An acquaintance of ours from Littleroot Town. As we tried to stop Sneasel, Machop, And Machoke, Team Rocket showed up wanting Sneasel to replace Meowth, But Meowth didn't let that happen leading to their downfall. As Harrison manages to catch the Sneasel and Kris manages to make it greatly through the Grand Festival first rounds, We soon wait patiently for the day of the competition to arrive as Harrison reveals to be competing in the Johto League also.)

With The Trainers

Since their arrival in Silver Town, The trainer and their Pokémon have been spending time in the Pokémon Center, Finishing up final details before the four boys can begin competing in the Silver Conference.

Right on cue, The four boys step out of the Pokemon Center.

Gary: Glad that's outta the way.

Ritchie: Yep. Now we can all focus on getting ready for the Silver Conference.

Ritchie: We're gonna battle like we never won and perform like we never lost!

Ash: Right. Are you ready for some battling Pikachu?

The rest of the group soon show up.

Misty: Not so fast, Ash.

Brock: Have you even looked at the guide book yet?

Ash: Uh, not really.

Haru and Yuki soon notice six familiar faces in front of them.

Yuki: Well, well, look who's here.

Haru: We figured you'd show up.

Everyone looks and sees Green, Yellow, Subaru, Kanata , Nozomu, And Asahi standing before them.

Green: Old habits die hard, Eh, Ash?
Ash: Green and Yellow. Subaru and the others too.

Yellow: Yeah, long time no see, huh?

Ash: I know. Figured you were gonna battle in the Silver Conference too.

Kanato: Yep. We've dotted every i and crossed every t and figured out which Pokemon I'm using.

Subaru: So now we're just chilling out.

Brock: Wow, You not only finished all your paperwork, But you picked out all your Pokémon as well?

Pokémon Best Friends: Johto League!Where stories live. Discover now