Tunnel Vision

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Haru: Pokémon are great!

Yuki: And so are friends!

Ash and Rara: Together as a team!

Chihiro and Tsubasa: We can shine even more!

Chihiro and Tsubasa: We can shine even more!

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Unsion: Pokémon Best Friends, Starting now!

Rara: (Previously on...)

Unison: (Pokémon Best Friends!)

Rara: (Last time, We meet a woman named Olesia who owns a Wooper School. When her mother was injured, We offered to help take care of the Wooper while she goes to check on her mother. But the Wooper caused a lot of trouble for us. Afterwards, We face off against Silver and Team Rocket as Olesia's favorite Wooper proves to be really strong and manages to take care of them. As we soon bid farewell to Olesia and head off along the road to Goldenrod City.)

With The Ten Trainers

We now see it was sunset as the ten Trainers and their Pokémon were walking up a trail through a hill as Haru was looking at his PokéGear.

Haru: The map says we can take the Onix Tunnel right through this mountain.

Yuki: We have to go through that? Sounds a bit risky.

Misty: Why's it called the Onix Tunnel?

Ash: Yeah, how come?

Brock: It's a cave where a lot of Onix are supposed to live.

Haru: A cave full of Onix doesn't sound too safe to me.

Yuki: See? I told you going through Onix Tunnel sounded risky.

Ash: Onix outta be pretty weak against water-type Pokémon. I know we can count on good ol' Squirtle...

Ash then realizes that Squirtle left him to rejoin the Squirtle Squad.

Ash:... That is, if I still have good ol' Squirtle...

Misty: Don't worry, Ash. I've got plenty of other water Pokémon who can do the job.

Ethan: Good idea Misty. Are we ever fortunate enough to have you around.

Kris: It's getting too dark to go in there anyway. Maybe we better save the tunnel for tomorrow.

Rara: Good idea.

Chihiro: I couldn't agree more....

Everyone looked at Chihiro at that Tsubasa was sleeping on him much to Chihiro's annoyance.

Tsubasa: So sleepy...

Theb suddenly, Mareep popped out of her PokéBall and runs around happily much to the others startle as Mareep leaves them.

Haru: Huh?! Oh dang it Mareep!

Yuki: You know you're not supposed to pop out like that!

Everyone chases after Mareep. However, Unbeknownst to the Trainers and Pokémon, The Jigglypuff that followed them all the way from Neon Town is right behind them as it cries out happily.

Pokémon Best Friends: Johto League!Where stories live. Discover now