Grin To Win!

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Haru: Pokémon are great!

Yuki: And so are friends!

Haru Together as a team!

Yuki: We can shine even more!

Unison: Pokémon Best Friends, Starting now!

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Unison: Pokémon Best Friends, Starting now!

Haru and Yuki: (So far on Pokémon Best Friends!)

Haru: (I'm Haruki Sugiyama, or Haru for short. And this is my Partner, Riolu.)

Riolu: (Hi!)

Yuki: (I'm Yukihiko Takamura, or Yuki for short. And this is my Partner Zorua.)

Zorua: (Hey everyone!)

Haru and Yuki: (The two of us are Best Friends!)

Haru: (Last time, We arrive at Charisific Valley and meet Liza and a bunch of big Charizard. After Charizard had battle some, He was frustrated that he lost to them and yearned to be stronger.)

Yuki: (After Silver came and stole a Power Stone from the Charisific Valley and we obtain a Rainbow Wing, Ash decides to leave Charizard in the Charisific Valley and we have no choice but to continue our Journey.)

Haru: (I'll miss Charizard...)

Yuki: (Me too... Hope we see it again...)

With The Seven Trainers

We now see the seven Trainers and their Pokémon together walking along the trail being really hot and thirsty.

Ash: Ah... I'm dying of thirst...

Pikachu cries out in agreement.

Misty: The canteen's dry as a bone... There's not even a drop left for Togepi...

Togepi cries out thirty at that as Haru was burning red.

Haru: Hot... Too hot...!

Haru soon collapsed as Ethan and Kris got startled and caught him in time.

Kris: Haru!

Ethan: Hang in there!

Yuki: Ah! So hot! Just the way I like it!

Zorua: (Do you like being thirsty too...?)

Riolu: (How much further until we get to the next town...?)

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