You're A Star, Larvitar!

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Haru: Pokémon are great!

Yuki: And so are friends!

Haru Together as a team!

Yuki: We can shine even more!

Unsion: Pokémon Best Friends, Starting now!

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Unsion: Pokémon Best Friends, Starting now!

Ritchie, Casey, And Sakura: (Previously on...)

Unison: (Pokémon Best Friends!)

Ritchie: (Last time, We met a wild Elekid with a bit of attitude, Who gets captured by Team Rocket along with Larvitar. As we try to find them, We meet Subaru, Kanata, Nozomu, And Asahi, Friends of some of us.)

Casey: (As we try to find the two Pokémon after they manage to get away from Team Rocket, Team Rocket reveals to have traded James' Victreebel for a Weepinbell.)

Sakura: (As we battle Team Rocket, Weepinbell evolved into Victreebel only to be sent away by Jessie and Arbok. As we soon defeat Team Rocket, Casey manages to capture Elekid, As we bid farewell to the four boys and head back out on the road.)

With The Trainers

With Mt. Silver's majesty in full view, We find the Trainers and their Pokémon closing in on the Johto League Silver Conference and Larvitar's birthplace. Today, The group have stopped at a Pokemon Center at the base of the mountain.

As the group is seen talking with Professor Elm on a videophone.

Elm: What a pleasure to see you again, Ash.

Ash: You too Professor Elm. We finally made it to the base of Mt. Silver.

Elm: And how is that Larvitar doing?

Haru: Doing great, Professor.

Yuki: Larvitar's right over there.

Everyone looks back to Larvitar by himself with Lucario and Zoroark looking around.

Elm: Say. That's quite a crowd of people at the Center.

Brock: Yeah, Mostly trainers with their Pokémon going to the Silver Conference, As well as a few tourists.

Elm: Ah.

Misty: I guess everybody must stop here to rest before heading up the mountain.

Togepi chirps in agreement.

Ash: We needed to get a little rest too didn't we, Larvitar?

Larvitar turns and cries out to Ash.

Elm: Astounding! Larvitar seems to have gained quite a lot of self-confidence with you. So, Ash, As soon as you climb the mountain, Please make your way over to the Pokemon Preservation Center and ask for a fellow named Mason, As I informed him you would be arriving soon.

Ash: Okay, Professor. You got it.

Elm: Goodbye.

The call ends as a boy walks up.

Pokémon Best Friends: Johto League!Where stories live. Discover now