Chapter 90

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Chapter 90

    On the university campus, a beautiful girl in a long dress trotted to the library with a stack of books.

    There were a lot of eyes on the side, it was lunch time now, the youthful and invincible young girl, with light footsteps, long hair flying, holding a book in her arms, like a beautiful scenery.

    Several people stopped to appreciate it, but saw that the girl accidentally stumbled under her feet when she went down the stairs, and the stack of books in her hand was about to fall.

    The boys who were about to move beside him quickly took a few steps forward and stretched out their hands.

    But before they had time to play, the books were quickly picked up by the girl's hands one by one in the blink of an eye, piled up again, and held in her arms, the whole process taking less than two seconds.

    The boys were all stunned, their faces horrified. Who has ever seen a beautiful girl with such agile movements and looks like a weak Omega?

    I waited until the girl ran quickly into the library and her back was nowhere to be seen. Only the people around the audience reacted and began to whisper:

    "That girl looks like O, why is she so agile?"

    "Young people today can't use it. It's defined by appearance, and you can't tell what gender it is by looking at it."

    "Wait, could it be that one..."

    "Ah! Is it really that one, I feel like you say that too!"

    "Go to the school's hall of fame and you'll know!"

    Several people took out their mobile phones and went to the school's website. In the national scholarship column, they saw the girl just now:

    Ruan Mei, female, top A, law He is a junior in the department, the champion of the "xx Cup" College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, and the "xx" outstanding leader of social practice. He participated in the xx school-level research project and published 2 papers in heavyweight magazines... After passing the college review, he won the 20xx National Scholarship.

    The long list of honorary titles almost overflowed the screen, blinding everyone.

    After reading this article silently, everyone looked at the door of the library silently, regretting in their hearts: If I had known that it was this immortal figure just now, I would have read more!

    Who does not know that the students of all B University, Ruan Mei, the third year of the law department, is incredible, and at the same time, she looks very special, but she is a top A!

    What's even more rare is that her girlfriend Fang Zhishui is also extremely good. She started a company at a young age and can take care of her studies. She also won the national award and is still a top O!

    Just having one of these things is enough to boast for a long time, but these two people have so many achievements that ordinary people can't match, it is really inspirational!

    However, a goddess-level figure like Ruan Mei usually works very hard, and basically doesn't waste much time, and there are few opportunities to meet on campus, so everyone sees it but doesn't recognize it.

    Ruan Mei knew that everyone was looking at her, but she didn't care, and she didn't have time to care, just because Fang Zhishui was looking at her at the entrance of the library.

    Ruan Mei quickly returned the book, walked out and took Fang Zhishui's hand:

    "Let's go!"

    Fang Zhishui rubbed Ruan Mei's head with a smile:

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