Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

    Fang Zhen's skin was broken on the top of the mountain, and the blood from the wound fell to the ground along the food residue and dripped onto the leather shoes of a certain tablemate.

    No one could pretend to be calm again, the man stood up abruptly, shook the blood spots off the leather shoes, and simply slipped away!

    The usual partners, at this time, don't care about the friendship of cooperation at all, and they slip away without hesitation.

    As soon as he left, the other people who ate at the same table also left, and no one paid the bill. Some people chuckled before leaving:

    "Fang family, there is really no successor..."

    Not everyone in this restaurant It is a dignitary, and when ordinary people see the scene with their heads broken and bloody, their first reaction is to scream and shout, causing the entire lobby of the store to look over!

    The hotel waiter also yelled and then called the police.

    Fang Zhishui stood there and didn't move. He just took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Ruan Mei regretfully:

    "I'm sorry...I can't eat the skewers you made."

    Soon the police arrived, controlled Fang Zhishui, and sent Fang Zhenshan first. Hospital emergency, and then took two people back to the police station to take notes.

    After receiving the news from Fang Zhishui, Ruan Mei hurriedly cleaned up the skewer stall, ran to the next restaurant to inquire about the situation, and happened to see the police escorting Fang Zhishui into the police car.

    Ruan Mei:


    How could a good birthday become a legal scene?

    Ruan Mei understood the situation after inquiring. She didn't understand why Fang Zhishui was so impulsive. She hurried out of the playground and took a taxi to the police station. As a result, she didn't know which police station it was, and she went to the wrong place.

    After such a tossing, when Ruan Mei found the correct police station, the two sisters were just taken back to the police station by the police.

    Fang Zhen was wrapped with a thin circle of gauze on the top of the mountain. In fact, the doctor reported that her wound was so shallow that she did not need such wrapping. It was the patient's own strong request that she wrapped the gauze on her.

    The police seriously inquired about the fight between the two, and learned that one of them was still a minor. They let the two wait in the lounge, and immediately notified the parents.

    Logically speaking, this kind of fight requires a few days of detention, or a bond and compensation.

    But now these are sisters, and to some extent they can be considered family conflicts. The police tend to mediate and forgive each other, and solve this trivial matter satisfactorily.

    Fang Zhen was sitting in the lounge wrapped in gauze on the top of the mountain. He seemed to be in a state of frizz, his eyes were fierce, his teeth were grinning, but he was pale and powerless because of the injury and bleeding.

    On the other hand, Fang Zhishui had already anticipated this situation, so he just sat quietly in his place and played with his mobile phone, without even looking at Fang Zhenshan.

    The police asked the parents to come over. They originally wanted them to mediate, but unexpectedly, after the parent Fang Junzhi came over, the conflict quickly intensified.

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