Chapter 73

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Chapter 73

    The two stood together in a daze, looking at each other.

    Fang Zhishui smiled and stroked Ruan Mei's hair:

    "Then I'm going back."

    Ruan Mei nodded, still immersed in the kiss just now, feeling that the world in front of her was like an oil painting with rich colors, and Fang Zhishui was the protagonist of the oil painting.

    "You mustn't forget to contact me again, you know?"

    Ruan Mei continued to nod her head blankly.

    "If there is a problem with the script, you can ask me at any time, you are not allowed to find someone else to solve it, you know?"


    "If you don't have a tutor in the future, I will go to your classroom after school every day, and we will discuss the script together. You are not allowed to leave first, and you have to send me a message if you have anything, you know?"


    Ruan Mei was like a dull doll, nodding all the time. Anyway, she felt that everything Fang Zhishui said was for her own good, so it was right to agree.

    Seeing that Ruan Mei was so obedient and obedient, Fang Zhishui finally felt relieved. He had been worrying about gains and losses, and slowly calmed down.

    "You have to send me a message every night, no matter how late you go to bed, you must tell me, otherwise I will be worried when I wake up the next day, you know?"

    Ruan Mei raised her eyes, her eyes gradually spreading brilliance, she said Instead of nodding, he tilted his head and asked with a smile,

    "You seem to worry about me easily? Am I that fragile in your heart?"

    Fang Zhishui was at a loss for words.

    She opened her mouth and said for a while,

    "No, I don't think you are vulnerable, I just..."

    Ruan Mei smiled:

    "But I will be the same, worried about you. So, I understand your feelings."

    Fang Zhishui's mouth corners Slowly smiling.

    The breeze gradually became colder. Fearing that Ruan Mei would be blown, Fang Zhishui quickly said,

    "Then I'm going back, so you can go home soon."

    Ruan Mei nodded, turned and rode on the bicycle she had parked for a long time , Fang Zhishui said. Shui smiled and waved his hands, slammed his feet, and quickly left.

    Fang Zhishui looked at Ruan Mei's retreating back, the taste of toffee in his mouth, and the complex and rich emotions in his heart merged into an intoxicating, wine-like sweetness.

    She regretted it and should have sent Ruan Mei home... In this way, the two of them could spend another ten minutes together.

    Life is splendid, colorful, and the moments that are loaded into the deepest memory will be ten minutes longer...

    The rehearsal of the school celebration party program has begun.

    After each class is over, those who have programs basically stay in the class to rehearse together, and many people who don’t have programs will take the initiative to stay and watch the excitement.

    Fang Zhishui has broken with his family now, and can only practice with his partner in the piano classroom where no one goes to school. He basically has no time to go to the first class to see Ruan Mei, so he can only go together when he gets home.

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