Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

    【Shocking! The sweetest top A Ruan Mei in the universe, the pheromone actually tastes like strawberry! It's truly one-of-a-kind! ]

    [The landlord laughed at me, strawberries are strawberries. Anyway, Ruan Mei is usually very sweet, and pheromone will of course be very sweet. 】

    【Wait! The point of the question is not this, isn't it the point, how can a top A be such an O pheromone! Ruan Mei, I don't know how many surprises she has! ]

    [嚶嚶嚶, after knowing that Ruan Mei is a top A, I have filled my brain with countless pheromone scents, each one is more iron-blooded, more powerful and full of temptation... I never expected it to be a strawberry scent! ]

    [Pure passers-by are not A, not O, ordinary B. I would like to ask a question here, didn't you say that fruit flavors are generally O? Especially for sweet fruits, O must not have run away, so why is Ruan Mei a top A? ]

    [I have nothing to say, only to say that Ruan Mei is an amazing woman, she has subverted all my previous knowledge of top A. ]

    [Will everyone have a stereotype of top A? Maybe the top A can also be soft and cry, and the pheromone can be sweet and fragrant. After all, it is an era that advocates diversity. Open and inclusive, there must be all kinds of people. 】

    【In this case... Will there be a top-tier Jagged Omega one day? 】

    【I can't imagine, is it an O like Fang Zhishui? Aw, no way! ]

    [When did Fang Zhishui get forced to be an O? Beware that the Fang family is coming to beat you up, and dare to call the future heir an O. 】

    On the school forum, even before the final exam, there were several posts discussing Ruan Mei's pheromone problem.

    Now Ruan Mei is a top-level A thing, which has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. She has also established a public impression that she is very capable of fighting through several encounters. Therefore, everyone does not laugh at her strawberries as Ruan Mei worried a long time ago. Taste pheromone, mostly to express shock.

    There are also many people who said: What's wrong with the strawberry flavor, it's just our Meimei baby, I can still!

    Ruan Mei knew that she had a fan club in the school, just like the "Gu Yanlin Support Club", but she didn't expect that these fans didn't think strawberry flavor was a disadvantage, and they started to use various methods to make strawberry flavor pheromones. Made it trendy.

    Within a few days, Ruan Mei could smell several kinds of strawberry scents in the class. She followed the source of the scent to see that they were all classmates who had written love letters with her before, and they were also loyal fans.

    Others ran to Ruan Mei with their small fists, and asked cautiously and hopefully,

    "Student Ruan Mei, can you please give out a little more pheromone? I want to smell it, and then choose the same perfume to use!"

    Ruan Mei:


    She didn't know how to answer, she was smiling awkwardly when Fang Zhishui carried her by the neck and hugged her away.

    Fang Zhishui looked unhappy:

    "That person, don't you know that this is an invasion of privacy?"

    Ruan Mei had no concept of pheromone, but since Fang Zhishui was so concerned, of course she would not distribute pheromone to others.

    She doesn't want to fill the school with strawberry perfume, too weird! People who don't know think this is not a school, but a strawberry supermarket!

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