Chapter 68

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Chapter 68

    There was only one week left in the summer vacation, and after Fang Zhishui's birthday, Ruan Mei spent a few days with her grandmother at home, and it was time to go to school as soon as she turned around.

    In the second year of high school, the first thing I did after I went was to find my class according to the sign at the door of the classroom.

    Li Namei also chose liberal arts. She waited at the door of the first class of liberal arts in the second year of high school in the morning. When she saw Ruan Mei approaching, she was so excited that she covered her whole body like a seaweed.

    "Boss, boss, boss! I heard that you won the third place in the competition. It's too strong! All of you are high school sophomores, and you took the third place in a high school life. Why did you hide your strength before? It's just delaying me

    Ruan Mei: "

    I learn from mine, you learn from yours, how can this be called a delay? Obviously I will lead you to learn and improve!"

    Li Namei stomped:

    "I only started learning because of your example. I thought that as long as I worked hard, I could be the same as you, but after working hard for so long, I realized that I am an ordinary person who is no match for a genius like you!"

    Several classmates were walking around while peeking at this side, when they saw Ruan Mei , Everyone's face turned red involuntarily, and there was an embarrassed cough, which was called a cover-up.

    Li Namei pointed to many inexplicable sights next to her:

    "Boss, you are a celebrity now. I heard that there will be a school flower and school grass competition recently. You are a popular candidate for the new term."

    Ruan Mei walked into the classroom and looked for a Sitting down in the front row, while chatting with Li Namei:

    "Isn't it, I'm very ordinary. Shouldn't there be someone else?"

    Li Namei sat next to her, speaking in a low voice, mysteriously "

    Who else is there? Boss, you probably don't know, Gu Yanlin had an accident, he doesn't know how he got mentally ill, and now he's locked up in a mental hospital, he has been suspended for a long time, that is to say, you are the only one in the whole school now. Top A!"

    Ruan Mei pretended to be surprised and perfunctory, took out the notebook and pen. In a while, someone in the class will go out to move the books, and now the textbooks have not been distributed, and everyone has nothing to do, and they are all chatting.

    Ruan's eyebrows and ears are amazing, and I have heard several classmates gasping and Jingxi's conversation:

    "I didn't expect Meibao to choose liberal arts too! Isn't she a top A, she usually chooses science!"

    "I'm so lucky , to be able to be in the same class as a girl... so happy, I'm going back to buy a lottery ticket today!"

    "It seems that God heard my wish and sent my eyebrow treasure to me. How to attract her attention next? You Do you have any recommendations for a color-cutting lipstick!"

    Ruan Mei:

    "..." The

    color-cutting lipstick...what is it? What are the current high school students thinking about every day, can they study hard?

    Ruan Mei could not wait to plug her ears with earplugs. There is no language book or anything at the moment, so she can use it to pass the time. She can only sit awkwardly and continue to listen to others gossip about herself.

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