Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

    What happened in the Academic Affairs Office quickly spread among the students through various means.

    The school is like this. Many things happen in secret places, but they are well known among the students. The school days are the most well-informed times.

    Ruan Mei became the second top A, which quickly became a hot topic of discussion in the whole school, and it did not stop until the mid-term exam.

    Ruan Mei was not affected much, because no one dared to act as a demon in front of her, but because of their identity exposure, everyone did not dare to contact the top A, and they lived very peacefully.

    The only difference is... now Ruan Mei and Fang Zhishui cannot walk into the same bathroom hand in hand.

    Fang Zhishui still went to the ordinary women's toilet, but Ruan Mei went to the women's toilet A next to her.

    However, there are still some people who are babbling randomly in the anonymous forum of the school.

    "I alone think that Ruan Mei is not a top A at all? Isn't she usually a little crying bag, how could she suddenly get an A?"

    "To be honest, who has really seen that medical examination form? Besides, this kind of Isn't it easy to fake things?"

    "It's ridiculous, isn't it funny to say that Ruan Mei is a top A, isn't it as funny as saying that Fang Zhishui is a top O?"

    "According to my observations in the past few days, Ruan Mei is really There is no feeling of A! She is really too sweet, sweet and cute little girl, I love it, I am her fan, but I don't believe she is A!"

    Some people couldn't stand it and jumped out to retort:

    "You know what, Meimei has a very good personality. If she wasn't an A, how could she have gone from the bottom to the fifth in the first half of the year? Isn't this A's brain power that can only be achieved? "

    Pfft, hahaha, those A's with particularly poor grades expressed their dissatisfaction!"

    "Ruan Mei is usually helpful, although she looks soft, she has never been sick, escaped duty, etc., and occasionally She can help classmates move desks and chairs, I personally think she should really be a top A."

    No matter how quarrels occur in anonymous forums, Ruan Mei, who never goes to anonymous forums, doesn't know anything, and still commutes to school and get off work as usual.

    The mid-term exam is coming soon, and Ruan Mei and Fang Zhishui are really in the same exam room this time.

    There were even three people in the middle. Fang Zhishui looked back a little and could meet Ruan Mei's line of sight, and then smiled slightly in the air, cheering each other on.

    The exam ended very easily. This time the questions were quite difficult, but there was no suspense in the results. Fang Zhishui still got full marks in all subjects that could get full marks, and was the first in the grade.

    Ruan Mei's grades were not as good as she imagined. She was the third in the grade, and the second... was Gu Yanlin.

    Gu Yanlin's usual grades are average, and he is in the middle of the school. I don't know what happened this time, so he directly took the second grade in the exam.

    Ruan Mei pondered to himself, of course, with his aura of male protagonist, it would be a matter of minutes if he wanted to improve his grades, but he didn't know why he wanted to improve his grades, could it be because of himself? By revealing his identity, he has stimulated the male protagonist's desire to win or lose? So, isn't he indirectly participating in the plot?

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