chapter 87

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"Shut up!" I giggle, nudging him. "I mean it!.. you're so clever, I mean.. you need glasses and everything" he teases jokingly. I chuckle, rolling my eyes.

I unlock the door and we walk into my house. I pause as my dad starts walking towards us. He looks angry. He looks like he's about to kill someone. Derek.

"Derek step outside a sec" I say. He moves outside and I close the door behind him quickly. I lock the door and lean against it so my dad can't open it.

"Dad what the hell are you doing?" I ask. I look at my mom who's stood in the living room area, trying to talk him down.

She doesn't say anything to me, she just gives me a look. I look at my dad. He looks like he wants to punch me in the face.

I look at my mom again. She picks something up off of the couch. My lingerie. Oh my god he found it.

I hid it under my bed. In a box under my bed. "Why the hell were you going through my room?" I look at him.

I look outside the window. I let out a breath. Derek left. I move away from the door, over to my mom. I take the lingerie off of the couch, taking it upstairs. I don't want them to know what clothes I let my boyfriend fuck me in.

I'm about to put them under my bed again when my dad walks in. "Are you joking? Do you really think I'm letting you keep that?" He asks. "Um" I say.

"I don't want a stupid boy to see you in that.. he'll think you're a slut and that it's okay to touch you" he says. He literally KNOWS that me and derek have done stuff already. "Its a little too late for that" I say.

"Thatcher!" My mom warns as he walks towards me angrily. "I don't get what your problem is.. I'm sixteen.. the legal age to consent" I say.

"You're not mature enough" he says. "Yes I am" I say. "I'm your farther and I'm telling you that you're not seeing him again" he says.

"I don't understand.. you like Derek! He got you beers on Christmas, helped fix your car, he's basically lexies best friend and helps mom in the kitchen when he comes for dinner" i say.

"I'd understand If he was a bad guy but he isn't" I say. "Yes he is.. he's taking advantage of you" he says. I chuckle.

My phone starts ringing. I grab it quickly, answering it. "Hi" I say. "Are you okay?" He asks. "Yeah I'm fine.. I'll tell you what happened later" I glare at my dad.

"You wanna hang out still or you not allowed?" He asks. I squeeze past my parents, going downstairs. "Yeah, meet me at the park" I say.

"Where the hell do you think you're going" my dad follows me. I say bye to derek and hang up. "Out" I say, grabbing my coat. I put it on.

I grab my sleepover bag quickly from next to the door, where I left it when I walked in.

"No you're not" he says. "Yes I am" I open the door, walking out. "You know what? Don't come back!" He yells. "I won't!" I walk away.

I'm sat in the park on the grass by myself. My knees are bent and I have my arms wrapped around my thighs, my face pushed into them as tears run down my cheeks.

I tried not to let it get to me but I can't help it. Why couldn't I have just been nicer to my dad and explained it or something. Now he doesn't even want me in the house.

"Meredith.. hey, what's wrong?" Derek sits close to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. He kisses my shoulder. I keep my face hidden in my legs.

I lean against him, wrapping my arms around his waist.  I push my face into his chest.

"You're freezing.. come here" he pulls me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around me. He just holds me for a little bit, letting me cry.

I finally pull away from him slowly. He wipes my tears with his thumb gently. "H-he said not to come back to the house tonight.. can I stay with you please?" I whisper. "Of course you can" he says.

"What happened?" He asks. "He um.. he found the lingerie that I wore on Christmas" I whisper. he sighs.

"He said that you're taking advantage of me and that I can't see you anymore" I say. "What? I-" he says. "You're obviously not" I say. He let's out a breath.

"I'm embarrassed" I say. "Don't be.. you looked so sexy in it" he says. I chuckle. "I don't need my dad to know that" I say. He chuckles softly.

"Did he um.. did he throw away the lingerie?" He asks. "No, derek.. I still have it" I say. He grins. "I slipped it in my pocket before leaving" I pass it to him. He chuckles.

He puts it in my bag. "Nice to know what your priorities are" I tease. He grins. I giggle, rolling my eyes.

"Come on, let's go to my house" he stands up. He grabs my bag and holds out his hand. I take it. He pulls me up.

He entwines our fingers and we walk to his car. He drives us to his house.

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