chapter 116

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Meredith's pov:
I've been locked up in my room all day. I know I overreacted yesterday with derek, but I'm in so much pain I can't bring myself to call him.

I didn't even go to school today. I've never had cramps that are this painful before. I think its because of my birth control or something. That's what my mom said.

I'm just hiding under my covers crying. "Meredith" I hear my mom say. She gently pulls my covers off of me.

"Somethings here for you baby" she whispers, stroking my cheek gently. I sniffle. "I don't want anything" I mumble.

"Its from derek" she says. I sit up slowly. "Its downstairs" she says. I stand up and hold my blanket around me as we walk downstairs.

My lip trembles as I see a massive bouquet of flowers in the living room. I walk over to them. I pick up the note.

I'm sorry. I love you.. and your fat ass. Derek x

I let out a small chuckle. I pick up my phone and call him. "Hey, you get the flowers?" He answers. "You're such an asshole" I say. He chuckles. "I hate you" I say. "I love you too" he says. I smile.

"You weren't at school today" he says. "No, they're worse than yesterday" I say. "I'm sorry, I'd come around and look after you but I have a job interview" he says.

"A job interview?" I ask. "Yes.. as a waiter, just part time obviously" he says. "What are you saving up for?" I ask. "An engagement ring" he says. I giggle. Dork.

"I want a new car" he says honestly. "You should get a motorbike.. you'd look so hot on one" I say. "Those things are death machines" he says. I chuckle, rolling my eyes.

"I gotta get ready for my interview" he says. "You'll do great der!" I say. "Thanks" he says.

"I'll speak to you later, I love you so much" he says. "I love you.. thankyou so much for the flowers, I love them" I say. "Bye mer" he says. "Bye" I hang up.

I smile, picking up the bouquet of flowers. I smile, looking at them. "Mom" I say, handing them to her.

"Hes a sweetheart, isn't he?" She takes the flowers. I smile, nodding. She takes them to the kitchen to put them in a vase.

I go back upstairs and climb into bed. I end up falling asleep pretty quickly.

I wake up a little while later. "Mom!" I yell. She doesn't answer. Tears run down my cheeks.

"Mom! Mommy!" I sob. She walks into the room. "What's wrong sweetheart?" She asks. "It hurts" I sob.

Derek's pov:
I'm sat opposite the manager of the restaurant for my job interview. My phone keeps buzzing on the table.

"Do you need to get that?" He asks. "No, sorry" I say. It rings again. "Its fine" he says. "I'm sorry" I say, picking up the phone.

"Hello?" I ask. "Meredith won't stop crying.. she wants you here now" Ellis says. "I'm in an interview" I say.

I hear meredith crying in the background. I sigh. "I-" I stop as I hear her call out for me. "I'll be there soon" I say, hanging up.

"Problem?" He asks. "My girlfriend is in a lot of pain.. I'm sorry for wasting your time but I need to go" I stand up. "Is she okay?" He asks. "Yes" I nod.

"Thankyou anyway" I shake his hand before leaving. I get in my car and drive to her house.

I walk up to her room. She's laid in bed. Ellis is sat next to her and meredith has her head on her lap, crying a lot.

"Derek" She whispers as she sees me. Ellis strokes her hair gently before getting up and leaving. I climb into the bed with her, immediately pulling her into my embrace.

"It hurts" she sobs into my chest. I rub her back gently. "I know.. I know baby, I've got you" I whisper, kissing her cheek softly a few times.

She eventually cries herself to sleep in my arms, her head on my lap as I stroke her hair softly, whispering things to her and telling her I love her ever so often to calm her down as tears continue to roll down her cheeks until her eyes close.

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