chapter 83

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We're all sat in the living room. It's Christmas and I haven't seen derek in 2 weeks because he went away to see his family in maine. He came back late last night.

"Mom can I go to Derek's now?" I ask. "Just let your sister open her last present, then yes" she says. I watch lexie closely as she opens it. She thanks our parents.

"Can I see him now?" I stand up. "Yeah go" she says. "No funny business.. stay out of his room!" My dad says. I roll my eyes, grabbing his presents before leaving.

I take a cab to his house. I knock on the door. "Meredith! Merry Christmas" Carol hugs me. "Hi meredith" Christopher says. "Hi.. merry Christmas" I pass them their present.

"Oh, you didn't have to" she says. We walk to the living room. She opens it. She smiles hugely as she sees some baby clothes, a box of chocolates for her and some whiskey for Christopher. They both thank me.

"Is that-" Derek walks in. I smile as he sees me. I walk over to him, hugging him. "Hi beautiful" he pulls me into his arms.

"Merry Christmas" he says. "Merry Christmas" I kiss his lips. "Merry Christmas mer" he kisses me again deeply.

We pull away slowly. "Come here" he grabs my hand, pulling me upstairs. I grab the presents quickly before following him.

We sit on his bed. "Here babe, your presents" I pass them to him. "Here's yours" he passes them to me. We open them.

He got me the most beautiful charm for my Pandora bracelet and a cute Teddy bear. He said its for me to cuddle the nights I'm not with him. It smells like his cologne.

"Derek" I smile brightly as I open a small blue box. It's a silver ring with a white jewel in the middle, loads of small ones around it.

"Do you like it?.. I realised the other day that I've never even bought you a ring before so I didn't know your size.. I checked one of your other rings but if it doesn't fit then-" he rambles nervously.

I cut him off, pushing my lips onto his. He puts his hands on my cheeks as our tongues touch, moving slowly with eachother.

I pull away slowly. "I love it so much, thankyou" I say. "You're welcome" he smiles. He takes it. I pass him my hand and he slides it onto my finger. I grin.

"Open your last one" I groan as I pick it up. I pass it to him. Its much bigger than the other presents. It's a massive blue wrapped box. He opens it.

"Do you like it?" I ask. "Meredith!" He says. I smile brightly, giggling. I got him this telescope he's been wanting for ages.

"This is expensive" he says. "I bet the ring was too" I say. "Thankyou so so much meredith" he pulls me into his arms. I climb onto his lap, wrapping my arms tight around him.

"Now you don't get a birthday present because I'm broke" I say. He laughs. "Neither do you" he grins. I giggle.

He kisses me softly. "I um.. I also got you another present" I say. "Mhm, which is?" He furrows his brows. I smile. "Me" I whisper, kissing his neck.

"Oh, the best present of all" he gently pushes me onto my back, climbing ontop of me. I tilt my head back as he kisses my neck.

"Are you sure you're ready?" He looks into my eyes. "Well we can't have our first Christmas together without making love at the end of the night" I nibble on his earlobe, tugging at it with my teeth.

"No, I guess you're right.. we really can't" he says. I grin, shaking my head. "And derek.." I sit up slowly. He rolls off of me, sitting next to me.

"Yeah baby" he brushes my hair out of my face. "Me and cristina went to Victoria secret the other day" I lift up my dress slightly, showing him a little bit of the lingerie I'm wearing.

The look on his face makes me grin. "I don't think I've ever been more excited in my life" he says. I giggle. I kiss him softly. "Let's go downstairs.. I want to give your sisters their presents" I say. "Okay" he whispers.

We get up and go to the living room downstairs. His sisters come over and hug me. I just say hi to Nancy, who's sat on the couch on her phone.

"You all want your gifts?" I ask. They nod enthusiastically. I pass them to them. They all thank me as they open them. "Nancy" I throw a gift at her. She catches it. "You got me something?" She asks. "Of course" I smile.

She opens it. "Thankyou meredith" a small smile appears on her face. They all give me the presents they got me and we sit in the living room, talking.

I get up off of the couch. Derek let me take his usual seat and he's sat on the floor. I sit on his lap. His legs are folded over one another so I'm sat between them. I wrap my arms loosely around his waist.

"We going to yours soon?" He runs his fingers up and down my back. I nod. "Just tell me when you want to go" he whispers, kissing my cheek. "Okay" I say.

"I can't believe you're just wearing the sexiest lingerie ever infront of my parents casually like you're not driving me crazy" he whispers in my ear. I giggle. "I'm wearing a dress over it" I grin.

A little while later I decided we should probably go to my house for a bit. He drives us there.

He says hi to my family and gives them their presents. We sit in the living room and basically tell them what we did at Derek's.

After a few hours we get up. "I think me and derek should head off now, it's okay if I stay at his house tonight, isn't it?" I ask.

"Why can't you just stay here?" My dad stands up. So does my mom. I look at my mom. She knows exactly why. "They're going to the cinema tomorrow morning just down the road from Derek's house, it's more convenient" she lies. I nod.

"Oh, okay.. you need any money? What movie you watching?" He asks. "..scream" I lie. He passes me some money. "Thankyou" I say. I hug them and we say goodbye before we leave.

I let out a breath as I put on my seatbelt. "Thankgod for my mom" I say. "Yeah" he chuckles. "I think my dad would actually kill you if he caught us in bed together" I say.

"And you can't live without me" he grins. I chuckle, rolling my eyes. "No.. no, I can not" I grin, kissing him softly. He drives us to his house.

high school sweetheartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora