chapter 50

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I'm walking down the hallway. My teachers walking with me, talking about my homework. "Hey" I smile, wrapping my arms around his neck as I see derek. "Hey" he hugs me back.

We pull away. I hold his hand as we keep walking. "Sorry sir, what were you saying?" I ask. "Are you two together?" He asks. I nod. "Huh.. did not see that coming" he says. I chuckle.

"Homework due tomorrow!" He points at me, walking into his classroom. I smile, nodding. Me and derek keep walking. I squeal as he stops, grabs my arm and pulls me back, into his arms.

He kisses my cheek. I giggle. "Hi beautiful" he whispers, kissing me softly. "Hi baby" I giggle, jumping infront of him like an excited child on Christmas. He chuckles.

This morning he texted me saying that he got me a present. He pulls out a small black bag and passes it to me. I grin, opening it. I pull out a pair of earrings.

I smile brightly. "Thankyou, they're beautiful" I kiss him softly. "You're welcome.. do you like them? If not I can return them but-" he says. "I love them!" I say. I put them on.

"Thankyou" I kiss his lips. "You're welcome" he smiles, his finger brushing against my ear as he looks at the earrings.

"Hey derek" a girl walks over to us. "Hi olivia" He smiles. "Do you wanna work with me for the science project? I know you don't liking in pairs but we have to and you're the best in the class.. other than me" she grins at the last part.

"Oh, yeah" he says sarcastically. She giggles. "So you wanna work with me?" She asks. "W-there's a project we have to do?" I ask. He nods. "What project?" I ask.

"Photosynthesis experiment" he says. "Well.. I want to work with you" I say quietly. "You do?" He asks. "You don't want to work with me?" I ask. "No, of course I do" he says. "Okay" I say.

He looks at Olivia. "Okay, that's okay.. I'll work with Mark or someone" she smiles. "Thanks though" he says. She smiles again before walking away.

"So, you wanna come over to mine tonight to do it then?" He asks. "Okay" I say. "Can you bring that lamp that you have? The one next to your bed" he asks. "Um, okay.. Why?" I ask.

"For the experiment" he says. "A lamp doesn't go through photosynthesis" I giggle. He chuckles softly. "Meredith, please study" he sighs. I grin, shaking my head.

We walk down the hall. I gasp. "Oh, because a plant needs light for photosynthesis" I realise. "Well done" he says teasingly, kissing my head. I giggle. "Shut up" I say.

We leave the school and he drives me to my house. I pick up the lamp and some other things and we drive to his house. We walk in and go up to his room.

He starts doing the experiment at his desk with a lamp, some plant and a beaker I think. I get up and walk over to him.

"You wanna take a break?" I lean over his shoulder, kissing his neck. I run my fingers through his hair, nibbling on his ear lobe.

"I can't" he moves away from me. I sigh, standing back up straight. I go and sit back down on the bed.

"I'm gonna go and talk to amelia.. I'll be back" I say, getting up. I go to her room. "Hey" i sit next to her on her bed. "Hi mer" she smiles. "Your brothers a nerd" I say.

"You didn't know that?" She giggles. I chuckle. "What are you doing?" I ask. She passes me her phone. I look at her Instagram. "That girl there" she points at a blonde girl, the same age as her.

"Yeah?" I ask. "She keeps saying stuff to me in school.. today I was getting an award in assembly and when I walked to the front, she tripped me over.. I fell infront of everyone" she says, clearly upset.

"I'm sorry Amy.. she sounds really mean" I hug her quickly. She nods. "Can you beat her up?" She asks seriously. "No" I chuckle. "Why?" She asks. "She's 9 years old.. in 16" I say.

"But I told her that my brothers girlfriend is meredith grey and she got scared" she says. I chuckle. "I'll defend you whenever sweetie, but I can't hit a 9 year old" I chuckle softly. "Okay" she smiles.

"Did you get hurt when you fell?" I ask. She shows me a graze on her knee. "Next time she says something to you, tell me?" I ask. "Okay" she nods. "I should get back to derek" I chuckle, standing up. I go to his room.

He groans. "What's wrong baby?" I walk over to him, sitting on the bed behind his desk.

"I can't do the stopwatch, count the bubbles in the tube and turn the light on and off at the same time.. this is why I didn't want to work with you!" He says frustrated.

I raise my brows, shocked. "You didn't?" I ask. "No, I didn't" he looks back at me. "Why not?" I frown.

"Because you never help! You're just sat there talking crap!.. but I bet you'll still want your name on the fucking paper, won't you?" He yells.

"I-I'm sorry, I just thought we'd have fun working together.. call Olivia, maybe she'll still work with you instead then" I stand up.

I grab my stuff and leave quickly.  I leave his house, tears in my eyes. I just decided to walk home.

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