chapter 77

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We wake up in the morning. I have a quick shower and get ready. I decide to put on some shorts and a shirt for PE today.

I walk out, into the bedroom and derek looks at me. "What?" I ask. "Nothing" he says. "Too slutty?" I look at my shorts. "No, no, your um.. you just look beautiful" he says. I grin.

"You think my ass looks good in these shorts?" I grin, walking over to him. He chuckles, nodding. I giggle. My eyes trail down to the grey joggers he's wearing. A small grin appears on my face.

"You ready?" He asks. "Yep" I say. We grab our stuff and go downstairs. He drives us to school. We get out of the car and walk in, going straight to first period, which is science.

After science we go out to the field for PE. "Okay, everyone get into pairs of two" the teacher says.

"Will you be my partner? I don't know anyone in this class" a girl asks quietly. I look at her. I think she's new.

"Yeah of course" I say. She smiles. "I'm partnering up with her" I say to derek. "I don't have anyone to work with" he whispers. "April!" I yell. She runs over from the other side of the field.

"Derek wants to work with you" I say. "Okay" she smiles at him. He let's out a small breath.

"What's your name?" I walk away with the new girl. "Jo" she says. "I'm meredith" I say. "Is that your boyfriend?" She asks. "Yeah" I say.

"I'm sorry, you probably would prefer to work with him" she says. "Its okay, he's crap at sports" I giggle. She smiles.

"I love your accent.. say aluminum" I say. "Aluminium" she giggles. "Say it again" I say. "No" she chuckles.

"How long have you been here?" She asks. "I don't go to this school.. I'm just here with my boyfriend for a little while" I say.

"Well, I say boyfriend.. we're not actually officially back together yet, I don't think" I think aloud.

"Hes your ex?" She asks. "Yeah, well.. we went on a date yesterday and kissed.. he called me hot this morning.. so, I don't know" I say.

"Derek!" I yell. He walks over. "Yeah?" He asks. "What- are- can-" I stutter. "What?" He chuckles softly. "I just told Jo you're my boyfriend" I say. "Okay?" He says. "Are you?" I ask.

"Am I what?" He asks. "My boyfriend" I say. He smiles. "Yeah, I am" he says. "Okay" I grin. "Okay" he says. "Go away now" I giggle, pushing him away. He chuckles, walking back over to April.

"Yeah, he's my boyfriend" I say. "I gathered" she chuckles. I giggle. "Why'd you break up?" She throws the ball at me. We're supposed to just be throwing the ball around a bit. We start playing catch.

"Um.. we're just very different people, I think he tries to change himself a bit when he's with me.. and he doesn't like that" i say.

"What changed?.. I mean, why you back together then?" She asks. "I guess we just can't stay away from eachother" I smile.

"I don't want him to feel like he has to be someone different around me.. I love the stupid nerd" I shrug. She smiles.

"So, you were born in London then?" I ask. "Yep" she says. "But you're new to the school?" I ask. "I moved from a different part of London, two weeks ago" she explains.

"We're running now.. save me" Derek walks over. I giggle as he wraps his arms around my waist from the side, stumbling forward into me dramatically.

"Do you have to run?" I wrap my arm around his neck, using my other hand to throw the ball back to Jo. She puts it away.

"Yeah, the teacher is making us all do it" he whines. I chuckle. We go over and sit on the bleachers. Well, they're not really bleachers like we have in school back home, they're more long wooden steps on the grass to sit on.

"Okay meredith and Jo, you're up first to run" the teacher says. We sigh, standing up. I climb down from the seats and go to the race track.

"You two are running against eachother, and the winner will run the next round too, until we get an actual winner" the teacher explains. We nod.

She counts down and blows the whistle. We start running around the track. The other students start cheering us on. I win. I collapse to the floor dramatically, panting out of breath. The teacher chuckles.

"Well done meredith" she says. "I need water.. derek!" I yell. "Yeah, I'm coming" he walks over. He passes me his bottle of water. I drink some, catching my breath.

I stand up. "Okay, I'm ready" I jump, clapping my hands. He calls the next person to the track. I win again. He keeps calling people and I end up winning all the races. Everyone is surprisingly really slow.

It's finally Derek's go. He whines as he stands next to me on the track. "You can do it babe, I believe in you" i grin, patting his back. He chuckles. I giggle.

"I'm gonna beat you" he says. "No way in a million years" I chuckle. "You just watch" he grins. I giggle, rolling my eyes.

The teacher counts down and blows the whistle. We start running. I realise he's way behind me. I slow down a little bit, letting him catch up.

He overtakes me. I speed up a little more but not enough that I'm infront of him. We both cross the finish line, him first. He gasps out of breath.

I chuckle softly. "Inhaler" I put my hand on his waist, reaching my other into his pocket. I pass it to him and he takes a puff.

"I won" he grins proudly. "This time" I roll my eyes. "I told you i would!" He says. I chuckle softly. "Yeah, you did really really good" I kiss him softly.

"You want a drink?" He opens his water bottle, bringing it to my lips. I drink it as he tips the bottle slightly. "Thanks" I say.

I walk over to Jo. "You let him win, didn't you?" She asks. "Yeah, but look how happy he is" I smile.

He walks over to me, wrapping his arms around me, kissing my cheek. "You wanna go home?" He asks. "You two live together?" Jo asks. "He has his own apartment.. I'm just staying with him for a little while.. I live in seattle" I explain. "Oh" she says.

"Can we get mcdonalds on the way back?" I hold his hand. "Sure" he says. "Bye jo" I smile. "Bye" she says. We walk away, going to his car. We get in and he starts driving.

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