chapter 14

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I'm walking down to street on the way to the shop when I get a text. I gasp. I call a cab over and get in. He drives me to Derek's house.

I pay, get out and run to his door. I ring the doorbell like 10 times before someone opens it. "Meredith? What are you doing?" Carol asks.

"Can I see derek?" I ask. She moves out of the way. I run upstairs. "Derek derek derek derek" I knock on his door. He opens it.

"What the hell?" He chuckles. "I got 97% on my math test" I show him the message. He's been helping me study for weeks.

I squeal, wrapping my arms around his neck, hugging him tight. He wraps his arms around me, hugging me back. "Well done" he says. I smile, pulling away. "Thanks" I grin.

"Okay I gotta go" I say. "What? You just got here" he says. "I know.. i got the message and had to tell you but.." I giggle.

"Why can't you stay for a bit?" He asks. "I'm going out with some friends in a bit" I say. "Oh, who?" He asks. "Alex, cristina, addison and izzie" I say.

"W- Who's Alex?" He asks. I look into his eyes. Is he.. jealous? "Someone from school" I say.

"Can I come with you?" He asks. I try to hide the grin forming on my face. I like him jealous. I want him to be. "I was just about to invite you" I grin. "Really?" He asks. I nod.

"We're going to the park.. the one down the road from school" I say. "To do what?" He asks. "Drink" i giggle at his innocence. "Nevermind.. I'll stay here" he says.

"No, derek.. you're coming" I say. He shakes his head. I smile, nodding.

"I'll see you late- oh, um.. actually, can you pick me up?" I ask. He nods. "Thankyou.. Bye" I smile. "Bye" he says. I walk back home.

It's later on in the day and there's a knock at my door. I run downstairs. I open it. "Hi der" I smile. "Hey, you ready?" He asks. I nod.

"Mom, I'm going" I say. "Okay, bye honey" she says. "Bye" I say. We walk to his car.

I smile as he opens the door for me. "Why thankyou" I get in. He gets in the drivers side and he drives to the park.

"Hi guys" I say as we walk over to everyone on the field in the park. "Hey" they all say. "You all know derek right?" I sit down with them. "Hi" he says. "Hi" they all say.

"Sit" I tug on his hand. He shakes his head. I chuckle. "Fine" I pull off my jacket, putting it on the field. He grins, sitting on it. I giggle.

"Hey aren't you that nerd who won all those science competitions?" Alex asks. "Alex be nice" I glare at him. "You wanna beer?" He asks him. "No, thankyou" Derek says. Alex looks at me. 'Shut up' I mouth.

I grab one of the travel bottles of tequila. I down it. I toss it aside. I smile as derek picks it up, putting it in the bag. "I was gonna pick it back up" I say. "Of course you were" he says. I chuckle.

"Go on derek.. just have a drink" Addison hands him a bottle of vodka. He shakes his head. "Go on.. it won't kill you" she says.

"You don't have to if you don't want der" I say. "Yeah he does.. why do you think we're here.. to drinnkkk!" She says. He opens the bottle.

"You're driving anyway" I say. "Its fine" he says. I watch him as he moves the bottle to his lips. He downs the tiny bottle. I raise my brows, shocked.

I look at cristina. "Wow.. wasn't expecting that, mcnerdy" she says. He grins, putting the bottle back in the plastic bag. I giggle.

"I have never seen you drink, der" I raise my brow. "I don't" he chuckles. "Beer?" Alex passes him one. "Thanks" Derek takes it. I smile.

A little while later Derek's at the other side of the park, puking in the bushes. I look over at him. I chuckle, shaking my head. I get up, walking over to him.

"Are you okay?" I brush his hair back gently. "I don't drink" he says. I giggle. "You want me to take you home?" I ask. He puts his glasses back on, wiping his lips.

"No, let's go back to the others" he says. "You sure?" I ask. He nods. "Okay" I say. We walk back over to them. "You okay?" Addison asks. He chuckles, nodding.

He takes another drink. "Derek if I deliver you back to your mom drunk she's gonna be pissed" I say. "At me, not you" he chuckles. "Amelia might be pissed at me" I say. He chuckles.

I get an idea. I stand up and sit next to Alex instead. I move closer to him. "Flirt with me" I whisper in his ear. "What?" He chuckles. "Just do it" I whisper. He furrows his brows.

He gasps. "Oh my god.. nerdy guy.. really?" He says. "Shh!" I say. He chuckles. "Fine, how do you wanna?-" He whispers. "One sec" I say. I look at izzie.

"Are you okay with Alex flirting with me to get derek jealous?" I grin, whispering quietly. "Definitely" she says. I giggle.

Derek's across from us so he can't hear our whispering. I look at Alex. "Run your fingers through my hair" I whisper. He grins, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Can you just do it properly.. stop grinning" I whisper. He rolls his eyes. "Say something funny" I whisper. "Like what?" He says. I giggle. He chuckles, shaking his head.

He grabs the nuts off of the floor. "Open" he says. I open my mouth. He throws one and I catch it in my mouth. I grin, eating it.

"Meredith I wanna go" Derek gets up. "Okay" I stand up. I grab my jacket. He grabs my hand, pulling me along. I look back, grinning at everyone. They chuckle.

"Bye Alex!" I say seductively, purposefully getting on Derek's nerves. He grabs my hand tighter, pulling me along faster. I grin, proud of myself.

We get to his car. "Keys" I say. He passes me them. "Thankyou" I say. We get in his car. I drive him home. He's really drunk.

"I didn't like alex" he groans. "Why?" I smile, keeping my eyes on the road. "Just seemed like an ass" he says. I grin. We arrive at his house.

We get out of the car and walk to the front door. "Derek" I look at him. "Mhm" he steps closer to me. My stomach tightens as he puts his hands on my waist.

"We're you.. by any chance.. jealous today?" I smile. "Maybe" he mumbles. "Whys that?" I ask. "Because.." he says.

My heart almost falls out of my chest as he pushes our lips together. I put my hand on his cheek as he kisses me, no tongue but just as passionately.

We pull away slowly, leaving me breathless. "Goodbye meredith" he says. "Goodbye derek" I whisper. He walks into his house. I walk home.

I go up to my room. I get changed into his shirt and climb into bed. I grab my pillow, screaming into it excitedly.

I giggle, putting it down. I cuddle into my pillows under the blankets, falling asleep happier than ever.

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