chapter 152

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Derek's pov:
I'm sat in the living room with Ellis and lexie watching tv on the couch. Meredith walks in.

She stops, looking at me. "Why wasn't I invited to watch TV with you guys?" She frowns. "You are invited babe, come here" I say.

"No, you obviously didn't want me here" she walks away. Ellis chuckles, gently hitting my arm. I groan, chuckling softly.

"Its your fault for dating her" she says. "Its your fault for giving birth to her" I say. She laughs.

I get up and walk after her. "Baby, of course we want you to join us to watch tv" I wrap my arms around her waist from behind. She shakes her head. I turn her around.

"Please.. I dont wanna be without you.. please" I say. "Really?" She smiles brightly. "Yes" I smile. "Okay, I can sit with you" she grins, hugging me.

We go back to the living room. I give Ellis a look. She chuckles softly. I sit on the couch, leaving room for meredith. She sits on my lap instead. I grin, hugging her. She cuddles into me.

"Derek" she says. "Meredith shh" I whisper, trying to listen to the tv. "I'm hungry" she says. I look at her. She smiles. I sigh.

"Fine, what do you want?" I get up, sitting her back on the couch. "Food" she says. I glare at her. I walk into the kitchen.

I make her some food and bring it to her. "I don't want that" she says. "Ellis I swear to god" I look at her. "Meredith just eat the food your boyfriend made you!" She sighs.

She glares at me, grabbing the plate. "This is why you weren't invited" I sit next to her. She elbows me.

She eats the food. "This is really good" sne says. My jaw clenches and I glare at her. She smiles at me. I sigh, pushing my face into her neck as I hug her. She climbs back onto my lap, putting the plate aside.

"I'm going back home to see my mom in two weeks remember" I say. "Can I come?" She asks. "No!" I say quickly. Ellis and lexie laugh. "Hey!" Her bottom lip pokes out.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to say it.. that quick" I say. "Why don't you want me with you?" She frowns. "No, I do.. I definitely do.. I want to be with you all the time" I kiss her cheek.

"But?" She asks. "But nothing" I say. "Why don't you want me to go then?" She asks. "I just.. would like some alone time" I say. She gets up, hitting my chest. She storms upstairs.

I follow her. "Babe!" I sigh. I walk into her room. She's sat on her bed curled up, her knees against her chest and her arms wrapped around her legs. She has her face pushed into her pillow resting on her knees.

I sit next to her. "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings" I wrap my arms around her. She sniffles. "Do I annoy you?" She asks. Most of the time. "Not at all, Baby!" I stroke her hair gently.

"Do I annoy you?" I ask. "Yes" she says. I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry mer, I didn't mean it.. of course you can come with me" I say. "Really?" She looks at me.

"Oh, I'm sorry" I sigh as I wipe her tears. "Yes, please come with me" I say. She hugs me tight.

She pulls away slowly. "And mer, you know.. if you ever need space from me.. just tell me and I can sleep in the spare room for the night, or go out for a bit" I say. "No, I want you here with me" she wipes her tears.

"I want to be with you too" I hug her tight. She kisses me. "Do you really?" She asks. I love her more than anything. I smile, looking into her eyes. I nod. She hugs me again.

"So do you want to come with me then?" I ask. "Well, I would like to see Carol and amy" she says. "You wanna ask your mom to get you a plane ticket then?" I ask. She nods.

She tucks her hair behind her ears and flicks it behind her shoulders. I just watch her. "What?" She giggles. "Am I not allowed to admire my extremely beautiful girlfriend?" I grin. She giggles, shaking her head.

"Can I have the window seat on the plane?" She asks. "No!" I say. "Please" she frowns. "Fine" I sigh. She grins. She gets up. I follow her back downstairs so we can continue watching the show on the tv.

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