chapter 175

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Derek has been in an awful mood for the past couple of days. I don't know what's wrong with him. I've been trying to cheer him up, but he keeps snapping at me.

"Hi baby" I slowly walk into his bedroom. He's in bed under the covers, laid down hugging his pillow. He doesn't reply.

I climb into bed with him and look down at him, stroking his hair. "What's wrong?" I whisper. He sits up slowly and sighs.

"Are you cheating on me?" He looks at me. "What?" I ask shocked. He looks into my eyes for a few seconds.

"No! Derek" I say. "You're not cheating on me?" He asks. "No! What the hell!" I get up and throw a pillow at him.

"Ow! I'm sorry" he says quietly. "How could you think that!?" I yell at him. "I'm sorry" he sniffles. Fuck, is he crying?

"Okay, sweetheart what the hell is going on with you lately?" I sit back down. Tears roll down his cheeks and he looks down.

"Look at me" I whisper. He looks at me. I wipe his tears gently. "I love you" I kiss his cheek. "Someone told me that he saw you kissing mark" he says. I sigh.

"No, I- me and mark were both at cristinas birthday party that you didn't want to go to and we bumped into eachother" I say. He nods.

"And we were both really drunk and we ended up dancing together" I say. He groans, pushing his face into his hands. "No, baby" I stop him.

"We were just joking around" I say. "And he kissed you?" He asks. "No! We were just like messing around der.. we didn't actually kiss" I say. "What did you do?" He asks.

"Huh?" I look at him. "Can you show me?" He asks quietly. "I guess.. we just like.." I lean in slowly and move my face closer to his.

"That's almost kissing!" He raises his voice slightly. "Oh, derek we were just dancing" I sigh.

"Why didn't you tell me about it then?" He asks. I never even thought. I was just so drunk, I hardly told him anything about that night. I forgot about it, honestly. It was last weekend.

"I wasn't hiding it from you, baby" I put my hand on his cheek. He grabs my wrist and pulls my hand away. I don't want you here tonight" he says. "What? Derek, I'm sorry.. okay?" I say.

"I can drive you home if you want, but you can't stay here" he says. "I'm sorry" I say again. "I don't care.. don't flirt with my friends" he looks into my eyes. He looks angry. "We were joking around!" I stand up as soon as he does.

"Do you want me to drop you off, or not?" He asks. "You can't just kick me out.. I'm not leaving" I sit back down. He stands infront of me. "Get up" he says. "No" I say. "Mer" he whines.

I stand up slowly. "I'm sorry" I whisper. "Stop saying sorry!" He yells. "Don't yell at me!" I yell back. "Are you stupid!? You spent a whole evening flirting with my best friend!" He yells.

"I'm not stupid!" I start crying. "Oh, here come the water works" he rolls his eyes. "Why are you being so mean to me?" I sob quietly, wiping my tears.

"Can you just leave?" He lowers his voice. "No" I say. "Leave!" He yells. "No! I don't want to!" I cry harder. "Just leave, meredith! Please! Fuck!" He turns around as soon as a tear runs down his own cheek and wipes it.

"I don't want to.. you're scaring me" I hold his hand. He pulls it away. "Stop it" I cry.

"I don't want to see you.. go" he says. "You're such an ass" I grab my phone before leaving. I go downstairs.

"What just happened?" Carolyn walks over. "He just freaked out on me" I wipe my tears. "What?" She sighs, hugging me.

"Listen mer, his doctor has changed his medication to a weaker dose.. he's probably just struggling adjusting to it and took it out on you" she pulls away slowly.

"He's so mean, I hate him" I sniffle. "Just give him some space.. I'll talk to him, okay?" She says. "Okay" I frown.

"Do you want a lift home?" She asks. "No thanks, I'll walk" I say. "Okay sweetie" she says. "Bye" I walk away. "Bye" she says. I leave and go home.

Breakup core😍

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