chapter 128

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I'm walking down the hallway at school. I smile when I see derek. He sees me and turns around quickly. I furrow my brows.

"Hey! I saw you!" I catch up to him. I grab his arm. "Why you avoiding me?" I chuckle. "I'm moving away!" He blurts out.

"Moving away.. from what?" I furrow my brows. "Home.. I'm moving houses.. 2 hours away, for my dad's work" he walks away.

"Derek!" I walk after him again. "Its okay, talk to me" I pull him into an empty classroom.

He's crying. "Its okay" I whisper, putting my hands on his cheeks. I wipe his tears with my thumbs.

"I don't want to leave" he hugs me, pushing his face into my neck. "When are you moving?" I ask. "A couple of months.. they've been planning it for ages and have only just told us" he says.

"I'm sorry" he sobs into my neck. "Its okay, just try to calm down" I whisper, stroking his back gently.

He rests his forehead against mine. We close our eyes. "Don't break up with me" he whispers. I smile. "I'd never break up with you" I say.

I kiss his lips. I pull away. I take off his glasses. "Its okay baby, don't cry" I hug him. He kisses my head.

He puts his hands on my cheeks. "I don't wanna leave you" he says. "We can figure something out, just calm down.. let's go to your house" I say. "Okay" he says. I wipe his tears and put his glasses on. I kiss him.

I hold his hand and we walk out to his car. He drives us back to his house.

"Carolyn I thought you were my friend!" I sit next to her on the couch. "I am your friend" she chuckles. "Then why are you taking my derek off of me?" I whine, hugging him as he sits next to me.

"You can come to our new house whenever you want" she brushes my hair out of my face. I smile. "Its two hours away" Derek says.

He whines, wrapping his arms around me. "Can I just stay with you?" He asks. "Shut up" I say.

I put my hand on his head, pushing him onto me. He pushes his face into my neck. "Carol please don't take him" I say. "Please don't take me" he says. "Shut up" I say. He pushes his face back into my neck.

"Can we take her with us?" He asks. "I don't think her mom would appreciate me kidnapping her child" she says. I giggle.

"Mom please" he whines. "Shh, the adults are talking" I hit his head lightly. He whines.

Christopher walks into the room. "Mr shepherd, congratulations, I heard about your new job" I say. "Thanks meredith" he smiles.

"What is your job? I never asked" I say. "A nurse" he says. "You're a nurse!?" I exclaim. "Men can be nurses" he says. I chuckle.

"You know, my mom is like.. a world class surgeon.. she could get you a job here" I say. He chuckles, shaking his head.

"Please.. can I just get you an interview? She'd never give you the job unless she thought you were actually good though.. well actually, she can't give you a job herself, but she's like.. Best friends with the chief" I say.

"Meredith" he says. "Please please please" I say. He looks at Carol. "Fine" he says. "Yes!" Me and derek say. "But not just for you too.. I actually want to stay here" he says. I grin, nodding.

"Okay I'm going home.. do you have a like.. cv or something that I can give her?" I ask. "Yes" he chuckles. I lean down and kiss Derek's cheek.

He passes me his papers and I leave. I walk home. "Mommy!" I walk into the kitchen. "Oh, Richard.. this is perfect" I say shocked as I see him in the kitchen having coffee with my mom.

"I need you to hire this guy" I put the papers down. "Meredith, you can't just-" my mom says. "Just look at his cv.. impressive, right?.. plus he's really good looking so he'll fit right in with all the other staff at the hospital" I say. He chuckles.

"Listen, he's my boyfriends dad and he's about to move away for his new job.. but I need my boyfriend here" I whine.

"I will look at his cv.. just for you" he says. I smile. "Thankyou!" I hug him. I hug my mom too. She chuckles, rolling her eyes as I kiss her cheek.

"I'm going back to dereks" I say, leaving. "What? You just got home" my mom says. "And now i'm leaving" I grin. I walk back to Derek's.

"Richard is looking at your cv right now!" I walk into the house. "That was fast" Carol chuckles. I shrug.

I hold Derek's hand. "Wanna go upstairs?" He asks. I nod. We go upstairs.


Derek's pov:
She pants out of breath, her hands either side of my head as she straddles me, looking into my eyes.

She moans, her head tilting back slightly as she grinds against me. I put my hand on her jaw, watching her as her mouth falls open.

I sit up. She sits up too. I kiss her lips. She puts her hands on my cheeks, moaning deeply against my lips as she moves up and down.

She wraps her arms around my neck. "Derek" she cries out quietly into my ear. "it's okay, let it out" I whisper, stroking her hair. She bites her lip, crying out in pleasure.

I hold her close, flipping us over. I stroke her hair back gently with my hand, kissing her cheek. I keep the same pace as she was before, thrusting my hips against her's.

Her head tilts back. She bites her lip, her eyes rolling back. Her body spazms. I groan as my cum spills into her.

I keep thrusting into her until I go soft and pull out. She reaches over, grabbing some tissues. She cleans herself up. I lay next to her. I kiss her cheek.

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