chapter 1

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Meredith's pov:
I'm walking down the hallway at school, talking to cristina. "Did we have math homework?" I ask. "No idea.. I was asleep the entire lesson" she chuckles. I roll my eyes.

"Hey sweetheart" deluca stands next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I scream, pushing him away. Cristina laughs.

"Yeah, right.. get lost weirdo" I say. He winks at me before walking away. I whine, shaking it off. "This is why we don't date teenage boys" I glare at her. She chuckles, nodding.

I giggle. I gasp as I walk into someone. They drop their books on the floor. "I'm so sorry.. I wasn't watching where I was going" I bend down, picking up the books.

I stand back up, handing them to him. We make eye contact. He shuffles uncomfortably in his place as I look into his eyes. He has the most gorgeous features.

He has the bluest eyes and is wearing black glasses. He has light stubble and a very strong jawline. His body was rock hard when I bumped into him.

"Sorry" I say again. "No, I'm sorry.. I wasn't watching where I was going either" he shakes his head. I smile.

I look down at his books. There's a sheet of paper ontop of it. "Is that the biology homework?" I ask. "Yeah" he says. "Crap.. I forgot mine" I whisper to cristina. "Me too" she shrugs.

"You can copy mine if you'd like" he hands me the sheet. "Are you sure- um.." I say. "Derek" he says. I smile. "Are you sure derek?" I ask. He nods. I get out my phone. I take a picture of his homework.

"Thankyou so much" I hug him quickly. I grin slightly as I see him blush. The bell rings. "Crap.. I'm gonna be late" he mutters under his breath. "It won't kill you" I say jokingly.

I see his body stiffen as he looks at everyone in his way, crouding the hallway. "I'll meet you in maths cris" I say. "Whatever" she walks away.

"Come on" I hold his hand. "What are you doing?" He asks nervously. "Getting you to class" i giggle. "Excuse me" I push past everyone in the hallway gently, pulling him along.

We get to his classroom. "Thankyou" he grins. I smile. "Sure.. you have to just barge past them or you'll never get anywhere in this school" I giggle, shrugging.

He smiles. "Derek" I say. He looks into my eyes. "Are you new?" I ask. He shakes his head. "I'm sorry.. I dont think I've seen you before" I say.

"I'm in your English class.. I sit at the back.. you wouldn't have noticed" he says. "I'll notice next time" I smile. "Sure" he chuckles.

"I'm sorry, I didn't even introduce myself.. I'm meredith" I say. "I know who you are" he smiles. "You do?" I ask. "Everyone in school does" be chuckles softly. I smile small.

"You're late" I open his classroom door. "Right" he says. "Bye derek" I say. "Bye" he walks into class. I smile, shaking my head.

I move past everyone in the hallway. I walk into math class. I sit next to cristina at the back of the room.

"You like him" she grins. "Huh?" I ask. "That nerdy guy" she says. "I do not" I giggle. "Sure" she rolls her eyes.

"I didn't- I don't like him.. but It was sweet.. him giving us the homework answers" I say. "Can you send me the picture?" She asks. I nod. I send it to her.

Class ends finally and I go outside. I'm supposed to be walking home today but it's raining a lot. I put on my Jacket and pull up my hood. I sigh. I take my phone out of my pocket.

"Hey" a car pulls up infront of me. "Oh, derek.. hi" I smile. "Are you being picked up by someone?" He asks. I shake my head. "Want a ride?" He asks. "Are you sure?" I ask. He nods.

I get in his car. I take off my coat and run my fingers through my wet hair. I give him my address.

I look at him. "Do you have a phone charger I can use?" I ask. He hands me one, plugging it into his car. "Thankyou" I plug it into my phone.

"You live quite far away.. do you walk everyday?" He asks. "Yeah.. my parents like my sister better.. my dad picks her up instead of me" I say.

He chuckles softly. "I've seen your sister at parents evening.. isn't she like, 11?" He asks. "..yeah" I giggle.

"I do need to pick up my sisters on the way.. their school ends In 5 minutes.. is that okay? You don't need to be anywhere, right?" He asks. "Of course" I smile.

He drives into his sisters elementary school. "I'll be just a second" he says. He puts on his coat. I nod. He gets out of the car.

I see him walk back over with his sisters. They get in the back of the car and he gets In the drivers seat.

"Do your seat belts" he says. "Hi" I look at them. "Hi" they both say. "Are you Derek's girrlllfrrriieennddd?" The younger one asks teasingly. "Amelia.. shut up" Derek says. I giggle.

"No, I'm his friend.. meredith" I smile. "You made a friend?" The other one asks. "Wh- shut up!" He says. I chuckle.

"What's your names?" I ask. "I'm amelia.. the best shepherd sibling" the younger one says. I chuckle. "I'm liz" the other one says. I smile. "Nice to meet you" I smile. "You too" they say.

Derek starts driving to my place. We finally arrive. "Thankyou so much for driving me derek, I owe you" I lean over, kissing his cheek. "Ooooooohh" his sisters say. I giggle.

"Shut up" he looks at them. "You're welcome, and you don't owe me anything" he smiles. I smile. "Bye.. bye you two" I say. "Bye" they all say. I get up. "Oh, wait" I sit back down.

"Are you going to jackson's party tomorrow?" I ask. "I don't think I'm invited" he chuckles. "The whole year is invited" I smile. "Its not really my thing" he shakes his head.

"Oh, okay.. well, I'll be there.. so if you change your mind find me and we can hangout" I say. "Okay" he says. I smile, getting up. I close the door. I walk into my house.

I go into the kitchen. "Hey" I smile. "Hi honey" my mom says. I sit at the kitchen counter. "Here" she puts my plate infront of me. "Thanks" I smile. I eat my food quickly before going upstairs.

I walk into my room. I get changed into my pyjamas. I wash off my makeup and put my hair into a ponytail. I get into bed. I didn't sleep well last night so it's not long before I fall asleep.

high school sweetheartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora