chapter 79

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Me and derek arrived in seattle a month ago. Our relationship has been amazing for a whole month. The bullying eventually died down about the me and deluca situation towards derek so he's okay in school.

I'm at his house in the kitchen with his family. They invited me over for dinner today.

"No, amelia! Leave him alone" I warn as she hits derek. She frowns, sitting back down. "I love having you here" Carol says. I giggle. "Me too" derek says. I grin at him playfully.

"You want desert?" Carol opens a cake box. "I'm full thankyou" I politely decline. Derek gets a slice, thanking his mom.

"Try it" he moves a forkfull of cake to my lips. "Derek I really full" I chuckle, taking a bite anyway. He raises his brow as I eat it.

"Oh my god that's so good" I say. Derek chuckles rolling his eyes as I take his slice. He gets another.

"Carolyn this is amazing" I say, my mouth full of cake. She chuckles. "Thankyou, I'll give you a few slices to take home with you for your family if you want" she says. "Really?" I ask. "Its a huge cake" she smiles. "Thankyou" I say.

"Mer" Derek says. I look at him. He feeds me a cherry from off of the cake. I bite into it, eating it. "I've never seen something so yucky" Nancy says. "Cherrys?" I ask. "Your relationship" she says. I frown.

I decide to ignore her. "Pass me another cherry babe, I wanna show you something" I say. He grabs another, putting it in my mouth.

I tie the cherry step in my mouth with my tongue. I chew and eat the cherry. They all watch me. I grin, sticking my tongue out with the stem on it.

Derek gasps. "How did you do that?!" He exclaims. I giggle as he takes it off of my tongue, looking at it. "A bartender taught me when I snuck into- um" I stop, realising I'm saying this infront of his parents.

"Snuck into...?" Christopher says. Carol raises her brow. I giggle, looking down. They chuckle, shaking their heads.

"How?" He asks. "I'll teach you another time" I chuckle. He frowns. "I wanna know" he says. "Not now" I roll my eyes. "Fine" he says.

Carol gasps. "What?!" Derek jumps. "Nothing, I just knocked over the salt.. Jesus derek" she chuckles. He let's out a breath. I giggle. "Derek's scared you're going to go into labor any second" I brush his hair out of his face. They chuckle.

"Her waters are not breaking near me" he makes a face. "Oh, you'll be a great doctor" I say sarcastically. He grins. I giggle. They all laugh.

"Aren't you so glad I convinced him to come back to seattle with me?" I say sarcastically, hugging his arm. He glares at me playfully. They chuckle. I grin.

"Der can I use your phone?" Amelia asks. "No, you got it all mucky with your dirty hands last time" he says. She groans dramatically.

"Please" she says. "No" he says. She hits his arm. "Ow" he says. "Amelia" I say. She hits him again. "Amy" Carol warns. She hits him again. "Ow, can you stop it" he grabs her arm gently

"No, I hate you!" She hits him again, running upstairs. "Oh my god she hits so hard" he groans.

"What the hell is her problem?" I ask. "I have no idea" Carol says. He stands up. "Come" he holds his hand out. I take it. We walk upstairs to her room.

"Amy?" I knock on the door. I look at him as we hear her sniffles. We burst into the room. "Amelia" I sit next to her. Derek kneels infront of her so he's the same height as her as she sits on the edge of her bed.

"What's wrong sweetie?" I stroke her hair gently. "Nothing" she wipes her nose. "Amy.. tell me" he puts his hands on her cheeks. She looks into his eyes.

"You left me!" She sobs. "What?" He asks. "Mommy said you went to the hospital because you took too much tablets.. I'm not stupid, I know what that means" she cries.

"You tried to leave!" She sobs. "Amelia" he whispers. "No, I need you and you tried to leave" tears stream down her cheeks. He wipes them quickly as tears run down his own cheeks.

"A-and then you left to London after.. why don't you want to be around me?" Her lip trembles. I get up, walking out of the room quickly. I go to the bathroom, tears running down my cheeks.

Derek's pov:
I hardly notice as meredith walks out of the room. "Amy I'm so so sorry" I say. Shes trying not to cry as she looks into my tear filled eyes.

"I want to be with you all the time.. you're the best sister I the world" I say. "You're lying" her breathing is really shaky. "I promise I'm not.. I never intended on leaving you.. I love you so much" I say.

"I don't want you to leave again" she says. I hug her tight. She cries into my shoulder. "I'll stay here as long as you want me to" I stroke her back gently. "I need my brother"  She wraps her arms around my neck.

After we talk for a bit she goes downstairs and I go to the bathroom. She's not here anymore. I go to my room. "Mer?" I ask.

I walk over to my bed, sitting next to her. "I'm sorry for just leaving, I couldn't.. um-" she sniffles, tearing up. "Its okay" I put my hands on her cheeks, kissing her softly.

She hugs me tight. I wrap my arms around her, kissing her cheek a few times softly.

We eventually go back downstairs after she stops crying. "You okay amy?" Meredith asks, kissing amelias head. She nods. "I'm sorry for being mean to derek" she hugs her. "Oh, it's okay sweetie" she chuckles softly, hugging her.

Meredith thanks my mom for inviting her over and says bye to the rest of my family. I drive her home and kiss her goodnight, watch her walk into her house before driving back home.

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