chapter 11

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"Mer" lexie walks into my room. I keep my face pushed into my pillow, hiding under the covers. "Hey" she climbs under the covers with me. I look at her.

"What's wrong?" She asks. "Nothing, I- I'm just feeling sick" I lie. "You want me to tell mom? You shouldn't go to school if you're ill?" She asks. My phone rings.

I pick up my phone. Its derek. I send it to voicemail. It rings again. I sigh. I send it to voicemail. "Meredith, why are you ignoring him?" She asks. "I just.. don't wanna talk to him while I'm ill" I lie. She gets up and leaves.

I furrow my brows as I hear a quiet knocking sound. I pull the covers off of me. I groan as I see derek outside my window. He must've climbed up the ladder that Addison put there the other day.

I get up and go to the window. "What do you want derek?" I ask. He furrows his brows. "Are you okay?" He asks. "I'm fine" I say. He rolls into my window.

I sigh. My messy bun on the top of my head falls out so I redo it quickly as he picks himself up off of the floor. I wipe under my eyes, rubbing off the dry mascara.

"What's wrong?" He asks. "Nothing.. I'm just ill" I shake my head. "Are you- whats up?" He asks. I look into his eyes. My lip trembles and I start crying. I look down.

"I just- I have a bad headache.. you know?" I sob quietly. He wraps his arms around me, hugging me tight. I cry Into his chest quietly.

I'm not mad at him. I can't be mad at him. It's not his fault. It's not like he meant to hurt me, I didn't tell him how I felt. I waited too long and he found someone else.

I pull away slowly. He wipes my cheeks with his thumbs. I look into his eyes. I get lost in his eyes and start bawling my eyes out again.

"Okay, come here" he whispers. He gently pulls me towards the bed. He sits down. I sit next to him. "Oh, today's your last day here.. right? Until you leave?" I whisper. He nods.

"Derek, you're gonna be late... you should go to school" I say. "You're not coming?" He asks. I shake my head. "Well.. can I see you later today? Before I go?" He asks.

"I don't know.. I don't think so, der.. I don't feel like seeing anyone" I shake my head. Maybe it's good he's going.. he hurt me, and I need to protect myself. Being away from him might help that. I can move on.

"Okay.. I need to go, but you're okay?" He asks. I nod. He stands up. I stand up too. "Bye derek, you better text me from london" I kiss his cheek. "I will.. bye" he says.

He leaves. I start crying again, climbing under my covers. I accidentally fall back asleep, tired from all the crying.

I wake up a little while later. I groan, sitting up. I look at the time. I gasp. Schools ending in 20 minutes. Derek's leaving after school.

My eyes go wide. I get up, throwing a bunch of makeup on my face  doing my hair quickly and getting changed. I basically run to school. I need to find him before he leaves.

I sigh as I realise he's not In last period. Where the hell would he be? My eyes go wide. I sprint to the science classroom.

I walk in. Mark, Addison and derek look at me. They're all sat talking. I lean against the wall, panting out of breath from all the running. "Oh my god.. stitch stitch... fuckk" I grab my side.

Derek chuckles. He walks over to me. "What are you doing?" He asks. "I wanted to see you before you left" I say. "Here" he whispers. He gently applies pressure to the place where my stitch is. I catch my breath.

"Not a runner?" He chuckles. "Shut up" I say. He grins. He tries to pull his hand away. "No, that helps" I hold his hand there. "Okay" he says.

I carefully pull him out of the classroom so Mark and Addison cant hear or see us anymore. I close the door behind us.

"I'll really miss you" I whisper. "I'll miss you more" he smiles. "And who's gonna drive me back home from school when it's raining for the next three months?" I grin. He smiles.

"Will you take notes for me? In our classes?" He asks. "You'll be studying on your trip.." I furrow my brows. "Different subjects to what they teach In school.. I dont want to be behind when I come back" he says.

I roll my eyes. "Fine.. I'll take notes for you.. if you bring me a present back from london" I grin. "I was planning on anyway" he says. I smile.

"You guys ready?" The teacher walks up to derek. He nods. "What you doing here meredith?" The teacher asks. "Just saying bye" I smile. He walks into the classroom. I sigh.

"I should go" he says. I wrap my arms around him, hugging him tight. "Bye der" I whisper. He strokes my hair gently. "Goodbye meredith" he kisses my head. I pull away slowly.

He smiles before walking back into the classroom. I watch him through the window as he sits next to Addison. I sigh, walking away. I go home.

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