chapter 55

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We're in gym class, stood out on the field and they're putting us into two teams. I'm in Alex's team.

"Cristina" he says. Cristina walks over to our group. "Pick derek" I say. "Izzie" he says. "Pick derek!" I hit him. "Adrian" he says.

I pinch his arm. "Ow! Derek" he says. Derek walks over. "Yes!" I jump over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. 

We start playing rounders. I grab a bat. "Der" I say. He looks at me.  I pretended to hit him with it. He gasps. I giggle.

It's my turn so I bat the ball. I run all the way around. I giggle, panting out of breath as my team cheers when I get a rounder.

I pass derek the bat. "I don't wanna" he groans. "You're doing it.. you'll be fine" I chuckle. "I hate running" he says. I roll my eyes.

He hits the ball and runs around. "You did it!" I slap him. "Ow!" He pants heavily out of breath, pushing his face into my shoulder. I giggle as he dramatically falls to the floor, laying with his back on the grass.

I sit next to him. "You're not even this warn out after sex" I chuckle. "How are you so fit but still can't do any sports?" I chuckle, running my hand down his abs.

"I have a good diet.. Good genes and go to the gym once every two weeks" he says. I giggle. "Yeah, your dad's so hot" I say. He glares at me. I grin.

"Your mom's hot too.. if it makes you feel any better" I say. "It does not" he says. I laugh.

"My mom's pregnant" he sits up. I smile. "Are you happy?" I ask. "Very" he smiles. "When did she tell you?" I ask. "This morning.. I was going to text you about it but forgot" he says. I chuckle.

"You know the gender?" I ask. "A girl" he says. "Another sister" I smile. He nods. "She told me you knew" he says. "Are you mad I didn't tell you?" I ask. He smiles, shaking his head.

He kisses me softly. "What was that for?" I grin. "Gym is so much more fun with you" he says. I giggle. I kiss him again.

I put my hand ontop of his on the grass and he entwines our fingers. "Your lip gloss is tasty" he whispers against my lips. I giggle, kissing him again. He chuckles against my lips.

"Stop it!" I giggle, trying to pull away as he runs his tongue along my bottom lip. He chuckles, leaning forward and kissing me again.

"Meredith, concentrate! It's your turn again!" My teacher yells. I chuckle softly, pulling away from him. I go to bat. I do my round again and sit back down. Derek does the same.

"Your glasses have steamed up because of how hard you're breathing" I giggle. He chuckles, taking them off.

He goes to kiss me. I pull away. He rolls his eyes, wiping the sweat off of his face. I giggle, kissing him softly.

He chuckles, wrapping his arms loosely around me as I climb between his legs, my back against his chest.

"Its very sexy when you run.. that top is so tight on your-" he whispers in my ear. "Derek, you big perv" I giggle, hitting him playfully. We both laugh.

"You like it?" I smirk. He grins, nodding. I giggle. "I can't wait for when we're doing long jumps" he smirks. "I'll jump you" I grin. "You do that" he smirks, moving closer to me.

I grin, leaning back as he tries to kiss me so he can't. "Stop moving" he chuckles, putting his hands on my cheeks. I giggle, looking into his eyes. He smiles, looking into mine.

"Meredith!" The teacher calls. "What?! I just went.. I've been two times now!" I exclaim. "I was just going to ask you to pass the ball.. chill" she says. "Oh" I giggle, grabbing it from next to me. I throw it to her. Derek chuckles.

"Can we go to my house after school?" I ask. "I can't today" he says. "Why?" I ask. "Olivia is coming over to mine" he says. I raise my brow. "Um.. why?" I ask. "She asked me if I want to study with her" he says.

I scoff, climbing off of his lap. "Mer?" He asks. "Mer your go" Alex passes me the bat. I walk over, grabbing it. They throw the ball and I hit it as hard as I can.

"Wow meredith!" the teacher says as it goes all the way to the other side of the field. Everyone on the field chases the ball as I run.

I giggle as Alex high fives me. I try to catch my breath. "And with that.. your team win" the teacher says. "No! Ahh!" I laugh hysterically as Alex and Adrian pick me up like a trophy and the rest of the team cheer.

They put me down. I giggle, hitting them both. Derek walks over. I look at him. "What's wrong?" He asks. "We-" I say. "Wait.. sorry" he stops me, gently pulling me aside so sobody can hear us.

"We used to study together.. we'd literally have study dates, but we haven't in a while and now you're doing it with someone else" I cross my arms over my chest.

"You know it's not like that.. she wouldn't like me anyway" he chuckles. "Why do you keep saying that?! People like you, derek.. and you make me sound really stupid when you say that they don't.. because in that case, why do I" I roll my eyes.

"You tell me.. why do you?" He raises his brow. "I don't know.. you're annoying, nerdy, stuck up, a goodie two shoes" I say. He rolls his eyes, walking away. I sigh. That was too far.

I walk after him, stopping him. "But you're also kind, caring, you call me beautiful at least five times a day and are.. amazzziinnggg in bed" I grin, wrapping my arms around his neck. He grin, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I can cancel with olivia" He says. "No, don't.. I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me.. I know you'd never cheat or do anything that would hurt me" I say. "You sure?" He asks. I smile, nodding.

"I would never cheat on you.. you're so hot, it's impossible for me to ever be with anyone that could live up to you" he says. I grin, blushing.

"And I'm the one who needs to watch it.. if that Adrian doesn't keep his hands off of you I'll break them myself" he says. I giggle.

I kiss his cheek. "I love you" I whisper, wrapping my arms around his neck, hugging him. "I love you too" he kisses the top of my ear, hugging me back tight.

We pull away slowly. "I'm on my period" I say. "Um.. okay?" He chuckles. "That's probably why I've been acting moody or.. crazy" I giggle. He chuckles softly.

"Plus.. not pregnant" I grin, holding my hand up. He shakes it. I close my eyes, taking a breath, rolling my eyes. "You were supposed to high five me!" I hit him. He laughs.

"Sorry" he slaps the back of my hand. I giggle, shaking my head. "Can you give me a lift home still?" I ask. "Of course.. I wouldn't want my beautiful girlfriend walking all by herself, would I?" He grins. I chuckle.

We get changed out of our kit and back into our normal clothes before he drives me home.

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