chapter 140

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Me and derek just got back from a date and are in his room. "Stop it" I giggle as he nibbles on my nipple, pressing me up against the wall.

He pulled down my top and started kissing all over. "Bee!" he gasps as he sees one fly through the window. "Oh, it's okay, I'll grab something to fan it out with" I walk to the drawer.

"Ow!" He gasps. "Did it sting you baby?" I look back at him. I frown as I see him shaking slightly. I walk over to him, pulling the strap back up on my shirt.

He's red. He puts his hand on his chest, his breathing really quick and fast.

"Derek, what is it? What-" I kneel to the floor as he collapses. He's grabbing at his neck, trying to breathe. "Carolyn!" I scream.

She runs into the room. She gasps, kneeling down to him. "H-he got stung by a bee and-" I stop. "He's allergic.. go into the drawer over there and grab his epi pen" she points at it.

I run over to it, searching through it. "Its okay baby it's okay, stay with us" she holds him in her arms. "I can't find it.. I can't find it!" I empty out the entire drawer.

"No! No no" she tries to shake him awake. "Mom! Mom he's- he's allergic to bee stings and I can't find his epi pen" I grab her arm, running her back to the room.

"God, I have a spare, grab my bag quick!" She yells. I run and grab it. I empty out the bag and grab the epi pen. I run back. I pass it to her.

I sob, holding his hand as my mom does it. "Derek wake up! Wake up, please wake up" tears stream down my cheeks.

"It normally takes a few seconds baby" my mom strokes my back. His eyes open slowly. He takes a deep breath. I let out a small sob, hugging him tight.

"What happened?" He mumbles, opening his eyes. I pull away. He sits up slowly. "Look at me" my mom says. He looks.

"What time does it say on that clock?" she points at it. "5:45" he says. "Who's that?" She points at me. "Mer" he hugs me tight as he sees I'm still crying.

"He should be fine.. the lack of oxygen could've effected his brain if it were any longer" she says.

Carol kisses his head, hugging him. "You scared the hell out of me" she says. "I'm sorry" he says. She sighs. "I love you" she says. "I love you too" he says. They leave the room. 

I pull away slowly. "I was scared" my lip trembles. I sob, hugging him again. He's still breathing heavily.

I pull away, standing up. I grab his inhaler. "Come here" I help him up. We sit on the bed and I pass him his inhaler.

I put my hands on his cheeks. "Are you okay?" I whisper tearfully. "Yes" he says. He kisses me deeply. I sob against his lips but kiss him back.

I pull away slowly. "Again" I hold his inhaler to his lips. He inhales it a few times. I stroke the back of his hair gently and kiss his cheek.

I rest my forehead against his cheek. "You're okay" I whisper, closing my eyes.

"It really hurts where your mom used the epipen" he holds his thigh. "Show me" I gently pull down his bottoms. He stands up.

I put my hand on his thigh, looking at it. "It looks a bit sore.. she must've done it hard" I say. I kiss it softly.

"Get in bed sweetheart, you should rest" I say. He gets under the covers. I pull them up and tuck him in. "I love you so much" I kiss him softly.

I leave the room and go downstairs. "How is he?" Carolyn asks. "Hes okay" I smile small. She gets up and goes upstairs.

"Thanks mom" I hug her tight. She hugs me back. I pull away. She smiles. I walk to the kitchen. I grab some drinks and snacks.

I go back upstairs. I smile as I see Carolyn and derek hugging. They pull away and she says something. She smiles at me as she leaves.

"Here baby, I got you something to eat" I straddle him, the covers between us still.

I grab a chip and hold it to his lips. "I'm not hungry" he says. "You need to eat.. now" I say. He eats it.

"Good boy, here" I hold the bottle of water to his lips. He drinks it. "What else do you need?" I put my hands on his cheeks. "Sleep" he says.

"Okay, let me just moisturise your face quick" I grab it from the nightstand. I take off his glasses and put them aside before moisturising his face and neck. I also do my own quick.

I pull off his shirt. He's only in his boxers now. I roll off of him and climb under the covers. I cuddle into him. He soon falls asleep in my arms.

I pull away slowly a few hours later. I go downstairs. "I can't sleep" I say as I see Carol getting a drink In the kitchen. "What's wrong sweetie?" She asks.

"I'm scared he's gonna stop breathing again" I say tearfully. "Oh, come here" she says. I hug her.

"What can I do to help?" She asks. "Nothing" I pull away. "Oh, I know" she holds my hand, leading me upstairs. We go to her room, trying not to wake up Christopher who's sleeping.

She passes me something. "What is it?" I ask. "I used to put it on the baby at night to make sure she's still breathing.. it starts bleeping if they aren't" she says. "Oh, that's clever" I say. She nods.

"Thanks" I leave. I go into the bedroom and put it on him. I turn it on. I smile, cuddling Into him. I kiss his cheek before finally falling asleep.

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